Staff Graded Assignment#

Tags: educator how-to

Staff Graded Assignment allows you to assign scores to learners for off-platform activities or participation, at the assessment level. It provides a text component with instructions to learners, and a way for you to assign grades.

Enable Staff Assignment#

Before you can add staff graded assignments to your course, you must enable staff graded assignments in Studio.

To enable staff graded assignments in Studio, you add the "edx_sga" key to the Advanced Module List on the Advanced Settings page. (Be sure to include the quotation marks around the key value.) For more information, see Enabling Additional Exercises and Tools.

Create a Staff Graded Assignment#

  1. Under Add New Component select Advanced and then select Staff Graded Assignment

  2. Edit the newly created block, specify Display Name and Maximum Score

  3. After learners complete the assignment you’re grading, Grade Learners (see below.)

Staff Graded Assignment Settings#



Display Name (optional)

The display name for this component.

Problem Weight (optional)

Enter the number of points possible for this component. The default value is 1.0.