Creating a Drag and Drop Problem#

Tags: educator how-to

To create a drag and drop problem, follow these steps.

  1. In the unit where you want to create the problem, under Add New Component select Drag and Drop.

    Studio adds the drag and drop problem to the unit.

  2. Select Edit. The Editing dialog box opens.

    Configure your drag and drop problem. For detailed information about individual controls in the Editing dialog box, see Understanding the Drag and Drop Editing Controls.

    The Editing dialog box includes multiple screens. Configure each screen and select Continue. On the final screen, select Save to exit the configuration dialog box and save your changes.

    In particular, configure the aspects of the drag and drop problem described below.

    • Edit the problem title, problem text, introductory feedback, and final feedback for the problem. For more information about how the text in these fields appears in a drag and drop problem, see Overview of Drag and Drop Problems.

    • Specify a background image in the Background URL field. Enter the URL of a file you have added to your course or the URL of an image on the web. For more information about working with course files, see Adding Files to a Course. For more information about background images, see Understanding Background Images.

      Select Change background after you enter the URL for your background image.

      If you specify the URL of an image on the web, make sure that you are legally authorized to use the image and that the image is available to learners around the world.

    • Remove the target zones for the example drag and drop problem. Select Add a zone to add each target zone for your problem. For more information about target zones, see Understanding Background Images.

    • Remove the draggable items for the example drag and drop problem. Select Add an item to add draggable items for your problem. Select a matching target zone for each item in the Zone field. Add a label, success feedback text, and error feedback text. For more information about how the text in these fields appears, see Overview of Drag and Drop Problems. For more information about draggable items, see Understanding Draggable Items.

      dialog box.

Changing the Visual Style of a Drag and Drop Problem#

You can change the visual appearance of drag and drop problems in your courses.

The Background color and Text color controls for the draggable items in a drag and drop problem set the appearance of items for an individual problem. You can choose colors for the background and text of items when you create or edit a drag and drop problem.