Schedule a Course

Schedule a Course#

  1. With the course open in Studio, from the Settings menu, select Schedule and Details.

  2. For course pacing, select Instructor-Paced or Self-Paced.

  3. Enter date and time information for the course:

    • Course Start Date and Course Start Time: The date and time that learners can access and begin the course.

    • Course End Date and Course End Time: The date and time that learners must end the course, and after which they no longer have access.

    • Enrollment Start Date and Enrollment Start Time: The date and time that learners can begin to enroll in the course. This must be before or the same as the date and time you set the course to start.

    • Enrollment End Date and Enrollment End Time: The date and time deadline for enrollment. This must be before or the same as the date and time you set the course to end.

  4. At the bottom of the screen, click Save Changes.