Quick Start: Add Documentation Through Github ############################################## .. sidebar:: Add Documentation Video Demo |Video Sidebar Click| Video TBP .. contents:: Steps to Add Documentation :local: :class: no-bullets **Prerequisites** .. include:: ../how-tos/reusable_content/create_github_account.txt .. include:: ../how-tos/reusable_content/sign_agreement.txt Find Where to add a New Topic *************************************** The latest documentation is in the **main** branch of the `Open edX Documentation GitHub repository`_. Review the :doc:`../concepts/doc_audiences` and :doc:`../concepts/content_types` sections to determine where your addition should be located. #. Navigate to the folder where you want to create the new topic. #. Ensure the **main** branch is selected. Create the New Topic ****************************** .. sidebar:: Create a Topic in GitHub .. thumbnail:: /_images/github_create_topic.png In the location where you should create the new topic:, with the **main** branch selected: #. In the :guilabel:`Add New File` drop-down, select :guilabel:`Create New File`. You receive the following message: .. thumbnail:: /_images/documentors_fork_message.png :width: 80% Followed by the interface for creating a new topic. #. At the top of the screen, give the file a name and the ``.rst`` extension. #. Add content to the topic as needed. Ensure you keep to RST standards in file. See the :doc:`../references/doc_checklist` for guidelines, and copy RST code as needed from :doc:`../references/doc_templates`. #. In the **Propose New File** section at the bottom of the edit window: #. Add a comment about the addition you made. #. Optionally, add a longer description. #. Click :guilabel:`Propose new file` to save these changes to your fork. GitHub then creates a *fork* of the repository that belongs to your account. A fork is a complete copy of the repository, plus your changes. For more information, see `Github Forks`_. GitHub then prompts you to create a pull request, which is a request for the Open edX team to integrate changes in your fork into the official repository. .. thumbnail:: /_images/github_new_pr_fork.png Create a Pull Request for the New Topic **************************************** .. include:: ../how-tos/reusable_content/create_pull_request.txt