.. _Open edX Hawthorn Release: ######################### Open edX Hawthorn Release ######################### This page lists the highlights of the Hawthorn release of the Open edX platform. .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: ************************* New and Improved Features ************************* The Open edX Hawthorn release includes the following updates. .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: ======================== LMS and Learner Features ======================== * We’ve enhanced the learner profiles so that they now include the date a learner joined the platform and any course credentials they have received. Learner profiles link to social media accounts and help learners share information with one another. * Learners now have the ability to purchase all the courses in a program in just one transaction. This avoids the hassle of having to enter payment information multiple times. * New discussion notifications now send an email message the first time a learner's post receives a comment. The message contains the comment and a link back to the course discussions for easy access. Inline discussions are expanded by default. This change has led to a threefold increase in discussion participation on edx.org.​ =============================== Studio and Course Author Tools =============================== * Course teams now have the ability to override learner scores for individual problems. This can be done through a setting on both the instructor dashboard and the Staff Debug viewer. * Course Reviews can now be viewed and added by learners from within the course experience. Open edX system administrators can configure a reviews provider, such as CourseTalk, to allows learners to leave reviews for a particular course. * Proctored exams have been improved, enabling course teams to add specific exam instructions in the Studio proctored exam settings. * The Files & Uploads page has been updated to significantly simplify the experience of adding all types of files to a course. This includes the ability to search and a Hide File Preview option. * The ORA problem editor has been improved. A new interface offers the same formatting options for the prompt that are available for HTML components. You no longer have to create a separate HTML component above the ORA assignment. * Weekly course highlight messages can now be sent to encourage learners to remain engaged with self-paced courses. Specify a few highlights for each course section, and the platform sends out a weekly email message that lists these highlights. Courses on edx.org that enabled weekly highlights had higher verification rates than ones without. * The HTML components have been updated to give you even more easy formatting options such as aligning your text the way you want: aligned to the left or right, centered, or fully justified. Images in HTML components can be added right inside the HTML component itself, without having to upload files beforehand. * The Video Uploads page is enabled by default. For course teams who partner with 3Play Media and cielo24, transcripts (including translations of transcripts) are added to Studio automatically. * You can establish a password policy to require a minimum strength and complexity for passwords. Changes to OLX Element for Videos ********************************************** The primary storage for video transcripts on edx.org is now Amazon S3. In connection with this change, we have made changes to the ```` element for videos in OLX, which is the XML-based standard for course export and import on edX. The ```` element, which was formerly a child of the ``