How To Add Sphinx Docs to a Repo ################################# .. How-tos should have a short introduction sentence that captures the user's goal and introduces the steps. This how-to will help you setup the basic skeleton for sphinx docs in your repo in a manner that is standard to the Open edX Project. Assumptions *********** .. This section should contain a bulleted list of assumptions you have of the person who is following the How-to. The assumptions may link to other how-tos if possible. * You know how to use Git * You are familiar enough with `make`_ to use it. * You are familiar with `basic python development`_ (pip, virtualenvs, etc.) .. _make: .. _basic python development: Steps ***** .. A task should have 3 - 7 steps. Tasks with more should be broken down into digestible chunks. #. Add a ```` file in the ``requirements`` folder with the following content. .. code:: # Requirements to build the documentation. -c constraints.txt sphinx sphinx-book-theme sphinx-copybutton sphinx-autobuild sphinxcontrib-mermaid sphinxcontrib-contentui #. Add ```` to the ``upgrade`` command in your ``Makefile`` #. Run ``make upgrade`` to generate ``requirements/docs.txt`` #. ``pip install -r requirements/docs.txt`` #. Make a ``docs`` folder at the root of your repo and ``cd`` into it. .. note:: If you already have a docs repo with RST, move it aside for now, and you can move the RST files into the newly generated sphinx project once it has been setup. .. code:: mkdir docs cd docs #. Generate a basic sphinx doc skeleton. .. code:: sphinx-quickstart --no-batchfile --extensions sphinxcontrib.contentui --extensions sphinx_copybutton --extensions sphinx.ext.graphviz --extensions sphinxcontrib.mermaid --no-sep -a "Open edX Community" -l "en" --release latest #. Make sure the build works. .. code:: make html This should generate an html file at ``_build/html/index.html`` #. Update the following settings in ``docs/`` .. code:: html_theme = 'sphinx_book_theme' #. Add the following settings to ``docs/`` .. note:: You'll have to update at least the ``repository_url`` and ``repository_branch`` settings in ``html_theme_options`` but you should review the rest of the settings as well. .. code:: import os html_theme_options = { "repository_url": TODO: Add a URL Here, "repository_branch": TODO: Add the correct branch here, "path_to_docs": "docs/", "logo_only": True, "home_page_in_toc": True, "use_repository_button": True, "use_issues_button": True, "use_edit_page_button": True, "extra_footer": """ Creative Commons License
These works by The Center for Reimagining Learning are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. """ } # Note the logo won't show up properly yet because there is an upstream # bug in the theme that needs to be fixed first. # If you'd like you can temporarily copy the logo file to your `_static` # directory. html_logo = "" html_favicon = "" # Set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE if it's not set. if not os.environ.get('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'): os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'test_utils.test_settings' #. Run the build again to make sure youve got the standard logos and footers setup. .. code:: make html #. Now that the basic build works you're ready to create the skeleton for documentation based on `diataxis`_. .. code:: cd docs/ mkdir -p {concepts,how-tos,quickstarts,reference,decisions} touch {concepts,how-tos,quickstarts,reference,decisions}/index.rst #. Add a title to each index.rst #. Start wiriting documentation! .. seealso:: :doc:`/documentors/references/quick_reference_rst` Basic syntax guidance for RST. `Diataxis`_ The conceptual documentation system we're trying to follow. :doc:`/documentors/concepts/content_types` A quick summary on the different types of documents. .. _diataxis: