.. _xapi_events: ############## xAPI Events ############## `xAPI`_ is an open standard created by the `Advanced Distributed Learning`_ initiative. Open edX supports sending some xAPI events (called statements) to a Learning Record Store. This functionality is off by default and requires installing the event-routing-backends plugin. The `supported xAPI events`_ are maintained in the plugin's GitHub repository. For more information, see the `event-routing-backends documentation`_. .. _xAPI: https://xapi.com/ .. _Advanced Distributed Learning: https://adlnet.gov/ .. _supported xAPI events: https://github.com/openedx/event-routing-backends/blob/master/docs/event-mapping/Supported_events.rst .. _event-routing-backends documentation: https://event-routing-backends.readthedocs.io/en/latest/