Tools for Maintainers ##################### .. list-table:: * - Tool - What to Use it For * - `Maintainers Slack Channel`_ - - Coordinating with other maintainers. - Sharing experiences as a maintainer. * - `Backstage`_ - - Seeing what you own. - Seeing what other people own. - Seeing how repos relate to each other. * - `Grimoire`_ - - Monitor your personal PR Backlog. - Monitor the PR backlog in repos you own. - Make graphs of various GitHub activity. * - `Discourse`_ - - Discussing complex issues with the community. - Communicating with the whole Open edX community. * - GitHub Issues (Specific to your projects) - - Monitor for bug reports to your project. - Monitor for project specific ideation and discussions. * - Other Slack Channels in `Open edX Slack`_ - - Coordinating with others who are helping you do maintainer work. - Working together to solve specific problems. .. _Maintainers Slack Channel: .. _Backstage: .. _Grimoire: .. _Discourse: .. _Open edX Slack: