Feature Toggles#

This is the list of all Open edX feature toggles used in edx-platform. These feature toggles can be used to enable or disable features manually on every platform.


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/discussion/settings/common.py (line 6)

Desc: If True, it adds an option to show/hide the discussions tab.

Creation Date: 2015-06-15

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 5582)

Desc: If enable, the survey report will be send a UUID as ID instead of use lms site name.

Creation Date: 2023-02-21

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/bulk_email/toggles.py (line 20)

Desc: If True, use edx-ace to send bulk email messages

Creation Date: 2022-02-10

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 2488)

Desc: Whether, upon publish, a course should automatically be exported to Neo4j via the connection parameters specified in `COURSEGRAPH_CONNECTION`.

Creation Date: 2022-01-27

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/courseware/toggles.py (line 141)

Desc: Setting this sets the default value of INVITE_ONLY across all courses in a given deployment

Creation Date: 2019-05-16

Implementation: [‘SettingToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 313)

Desc: Set to True to enable Custom Courses for edX, a feature that is more commonly known as CCX. Documentation for configuring and using this feature is available at https://edx.readthedocs.io/projects/open-edx-ca/en/latest/set_up_course/custom_courses.html


When set to true, ‘lms.djangoapps.ccx.overrides.CustomCoursesForEdxOverrideProvider’ will be added to MODULESTORE_FIELD_OVERRIDE_PROVIDERS

Creation Date: 2015-04-10

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’, ‘circuit_breaker’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/features/course_duration_limits/models.py (line 16)

Desc: When enabled, users will have a limited time to complete and audit the course. The exact duration is given by the “weeks_to_complete” course detail. When enabled, it is necessary to also define the “enabled_as_of” flag: only enrollments created after this date will be affected.

Creation Date: 2018-11-02

Implementation: [‘ConfigurationModel’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/video_config/models.py (line 67)

Desc: Add the “hls” profile to all displayed videos for a single course.

Creation Date: 2017-04-19

Implementation: [‘ConfigurationModel’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/video_pipeline/models.py (line 105)

Desc: Allow video uploads for a specific course. This enables the “Video Uploads” menu in the CMS.

Creation Date: 2017-11-10

Implementation: [‘ConfigurationModel’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 4165)

Desc: This specifies if the courses are available for mobile by default. To make any individual course available for mobile one can set the value of Mobile Course Available to true in Advanced Settings from the studio when this is False.

Creation Date: 2021-01-26

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 2764)

Desc: Toggle for removing the deprecated /signin url.


This url can be removed once it no longer has any real traffic.

Creation Date: 2019-12-02

Target Removal Date: 2020-06-01

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 2775)

Desc: Toggle for removing the deprecated /signup url.


This url can be removed once it no longer has any real traffic.

Creation Date: 2019-12-02

Target Removal Date: 2020-06-01

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/oauth_dispatch/toggles.py (line 10)

Desc: Set toggle to True to ignore mobile requests for JWTs, and instead provide the legacy opaque Bearer token. This toggle can be used as a temporary kill switch as the mobile app attempts to rollout the transition to JWT authentication for the first time.

Creation Date: 2022-10-14

Target Removal Date: 2022-12-30

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 651)

Desc: When enabled, this toggle activates the use of the password validation on Authn MFE’s login.

Creation Date: 2022-03-29

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 639)

Desc: When enabled, this toggle activates the use of the password validation on Authn MFE’s login.

Creation Date: 2022-03-29

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 628)

Desc: When enabled, this toggle activates the use of the password validation HIBP Policy on Authn MFE’s registration.

Creation Date: 2022-03-25

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 619)

Desc: When enabled, this toggle activates the use of the password validation HIBP Policy.

Creation Date: 2021-12-03

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/user_authn/toggles.py (line 38)

Desc: Set to True to enable auto-generation of usernames.


Changing this setting may affect user authentication, account management and discussions experience.

Creation Date: 2024-02-20

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: xmodule/capa/safe_exec/remote_exec.py (line 21)

Desc: Set this to True if you want to run Codejail code using a separate VM or container and communicate with edx-platform using REST API.

Creation Date: 2021-08-19

Implementation: [‘SettingToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 2224)

Desc: See LMS annotation.

Creation Date: 2016-06-30

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 596)

Desc: When True, inforces COPPA compliance and removes YOB field from registration form and accounnt

Creation Date: 2021-10-27

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 663)

Desc: When enabled, this toggle adds fields configured in

Creation Date: 2022-04-21

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 5348)

Desc: Set to True to enable MFE Config API. This is disabled by default.

Creation Date: 2022-05-20

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/user_authn/toggles.py (line 11)

Desc: Set to True to prevent using username/password login and registration and only allow authentication with third party auth


Requires configuration of third party auth

Creation Date: 2020-09-16

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/safe_sessions/middleware.py (line 136)

Desc: Invalidate session and response if mismatch detected. That is, when the `user` attribute of the request object gets changed or no longer matches the session, the session will be invalidated and the response cancelled (changed to an error). This is intended as a backup safety measure in case an attacker (or bug) is able to change the user on a session in an unexpected way.


Should be disabled if debugging mismatches using the LOG_REQUEST_USER_CHANGE_HEADERS toggle, otherwise series of mismatching requests from the same user cannot be investigated. Additionally, if enabling for the first time, confirm that incidences of the string “SafeCookieData user at request” in the logs are very rare; if they are not, it is likely that there is either a bug or that a login or registration endpoint needs to call ``mark_user_change_as_expected``.

Creation Date: 2021-12-01

Implementation: [‘SettingToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_out’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 5110)

Desc: When enabled, this setting invalidates sessions in other browsers upon email change, while preserving the session validity in the browser where the email change occurs. This toggle is just being used for rollout.

Creation Date: 2023-12-07

Target Removal Date: 2024-04-01

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]

EVENT_BUS_PRODUCER_CONFIG[‘org.openedx.content_authoring.course.catalog_info.changed.v1’] [‘course-catalog-info-changed’][‘enabled’]#

Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 2916)

Desc: if enabled, will publish COURSE_CATALOG_INFO_CHANGED events to the event bus on the course-catalog-info-changed topics


The default may be changed in a later release. See https://github.com/openedx/openedx-events/issues/265

Creation Date: 2023-10-10

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]

EVENT_BUS_PRODUCER_CONFIG[‘org.openedx.learning.course.unenrollment.completed.v1’] [‘course-unenrollment-lifecycle’][‘enabled’]#

Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 5487)

Desc: Enables sending COURSE_UNENROLLMENT_COMPLETED events over the event bus.


The default may be changed in a later release. See https://github.com/openedx/openedx-events/issues/265

Creation Date: 2023-09-18

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]

EVENT_BUS_PRODUCER_CONFIG[‘org.openedx.learning.xblock.skill.verified.v1’] [‘learning-xblock-skill-verified’][‘enabled’]#

Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 5502)

Desc: Enables sending xblock_skill_verified events over the event bus.


The default may be changed in a later release. See https://github.com/openedx/openedx-events/issues/265

Creation Date: 2023-09-18

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 928)

Desc: If true, allows for the deletion of EnterpriseCourseEnrollment records via Django Admin.

Creation Date: 2021-01-27

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/instructor/settings/common.py (line 63)

Desc: Enable to show a section in the membership tab of the instructor dashboard to allow an upload of a CSV file that contains a list of new accounts to create and register for course.

Creation Date: 2014-10-21

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: True

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 301)

Desc: This will allow staff member to re-run the course from the studio home page and will always use the split modulestore. When this is set to False, the Re-run Course link will not be available on the studio home page.

Creation Date: 2015-02-13

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/instructor/settings/common.py (line 53)

Desc: Enable to give course staff unrestricted access to grade downloads; if set to False, only edX superusers can perform the downloads.

Creation Date: 2018-03-26

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 793)

Desc: Allow users to change their email address on the Account Settings page. If this is disabled, users will not be able to change their email address.

Creation Date: 2017-06-26

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 757)

Desc: Allow public account creation. If this is disabled, users will no longer have access to the signup page.

Creation Date: 2017-04-12

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 482)

Desc: When a logged in user goes to the homepage (‘/’) the user will be redirected to the dashboard page when this flag is set to True - this is default Open edX behavior. Set to False to not redirect the user.

Creation Date: 2014-09-16

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 343)

Desc: Set to True to perform acceptance and load test. Auto auth view is responsible for load testing and is controlled by this feature flag. Session verification (of CacheBackedAuthenticationMiddleware) is a security feature, but it can be turned off by enabling this feature flag.


If this has been set to True then the account activation email will be skipped.

Creation Date: 2013-07-25

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 397)

Desc: If set to True, then we want to skip posting anything to Software Secure. Bypass posting anything to Software Secure if the auto verify feature for testing is enabled. We actually don’t even create the message because that would require encryption and message signing that rely on settings.VERIFY_STUDENT values that aren’t set in dev. So we just pretend like we successfully posted and automatically approve student identity verification attempts.

Creation Date: 2013-10-03

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 587)

Desc: Set to True to enable the Badges feature.

Creation Date: 2024-04-10

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/djangoapps/instructor/settings/common.py (line 102)

Desc: Controls if the “Notify users by email” checkbox in the batch enrollment form on the instructor dashboard is already checked on page load or not.

Creation Date: 2017-07-05

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_out’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 625)

Desc: Set to True to enable course certificates on your instance of Open edX.


You must enable this feature flag in both Studio and the LMS and complete the configuration tasks described here: https://edx.readthedocs.io/projects/edx-installing-configuring-and-running/en/latest/configuration/enable_certificates.html pylint: disable=line-too-long,useless-suppression

Creation Date: 2015-03-13

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]

FEATURES[‘CERTIFICATES_INSTRUCTOR_GENERATION’] # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=annotation-missing-token#

Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/instructor/settings/common.py (line 86)

Desc: Enable to allow batch generation of certificates from the instructor dashboard. In case of self-paced courses, the certificate generation button is hidden if certificate generation is not explicitly enabled globally or for the specific course.

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 247)

Desc: When this is set to True, all the courses will be listed on the /courses page and Explore Courses link will be visible. Set to False if courses list and Explore Courses link need to be hidden.


This Effects views and templates.

Creation Date: 2013-09-28

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: xmodule/course_block.py (line 61)

Desc: The default behavior, when this is disabled, is that a newly created course has no enrollment_start date set. When the feature is enabled - the newly created courses will have the enrollment_start_date set to DEFAULT_START_DATE. This is intended to be a permanent option. This toggle affects the course listing pages (platform’s index page, /courses page) when course search is performed using the `lms.djangoapp.branding.get_visible_courses` method and the COURSE_CATALOG_VISIBILITY_PERMISSION setting is set to ‘see_exists’. Switching the toggle to True will prevent the newly created (empty) course from appearing in the course listing.

Creation Date: 2023-06-22

Implementation: [‘SettingDictToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 638)

Desc: Set to True to enable custom certificate templates which are configured via Django admin.

Creation Date: 2015-08-13

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 424)

Desc: Warn about removing support for deprecated course keys. To enable, set to True. To disable, set to False. To enable with a custom support deadline, set to an ISO-8601 date string: eg: ‘2020-09-01’


This can be removed once support is removed for deprecated course keys.

Creation Date: 2020-06-12

Target Removal Date: 2021-04-01

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 532)

Desc: Set to `True` to disable the advanced settings page in Studio for all users except those having `is_superuser` or `is_staff` set to `True`.

Creation Date: 2023-03-31

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 1028)

Desc: Set to True to disable enrollment for user invited to a course

Creation Date: 2022-06-06

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 452)

Desc: If set to True, it disables the course creation functionality and hides the “New Course” button in studio. It is important to note that the value of this flag only affects if the user doesn’t have a staff role, otherwise the course creation functionality will work as it should.



Creation Date: 2013-12-02

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 331)

Desc: Set to True to disable honor certificates. Typically used when your installation only allows verified certificates, like courses.edx.org.

Creation Date: 2019-05-14

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 212)

Desc: Removes the display of the login button in the navigation bar. Change is only at the UI level. Used in systems where login is automatic, eg MIT SSL

Creation Date: 2013-12-03

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 378)

Desc: Set to True to remove Mobile Course Available UI Flag from Studio’s Advanced Settings page else Mobile Course Available UI Flag will be available on Studio side.

Creation Date: 2020-02-14

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 118)

Desc: When True, all courses will be active, regardless of start date.


This will cause ALL courses to be immediately visible.

Creation Date: 2012-07-24

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 520)

Desc: Set to True to disable self-unenrollments via REST API. This also hides the “Unenroll” button on the Learner Dashboard.


For consistency in user experience, keep the value in sync with the setting of the same name in the LMS and CMS.

Creation Date: 2021-10-11

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/djangoapps/instructor/settings/common.py (line 13)

Desc: Enable display of enrollment counts in instructor dashboard and analytics section.

Creation Date: 2014-11-12

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_out’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 95)

Desc: Add a “Staff Debug” button to course blocks for debugging by course staff.

Creation Date: 2015-09-04

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 105)

Desc: This displays histograms in the Staff Debug Info panel to course staff.


Generating histograms requires scanning the courseware_studentmodule table on each view. This can make staff access to courseware very slow on large courses.

Creation Date: 2014-02-13

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 226)

Desc: This feature flag allows editing of short descriptions on the Schedule & Details page in Open edX Studio. Set to False if you want to disable the editing of the course short description.

Creation Date: 2014-02-13

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 439)

Desc: Turns on embargo functionality, which blocks users from the site or courses based on their location. Embargo can restrict users by states and whitelist/blacklist (IP Addresses (ie., Networks (ie., or the user profile country.


reverse proxy should be configured appropriately for example Client IP address headers (e.g HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR) should be configured.

Creation Date: 2014-02-27

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 843)

Desc: Whether to display the account deletion section on Account Settings page. Set to False to hide this section.

Creation Date: 2018-06-01

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/features/announcements/settings/common.py (line 5)

Desc: This feature can be enabled to show system wide announcements on the sidebar of the learner dashboard. Announcements can be created by Global Staff users on maintenance dashboard of studio. Maintenance dashboard can accessed at https://{studio.domain}/maintenance


TinyMCE is needed to show an editor in the studio.

Creation Date: 2017-11-08

Implementation: [‘SettingDictToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 867)

Desc: Supports staged rollout of a new micro-frontend-based implementation of the logistration.


Also set settings.AUTHN_MICROFRONTEND_URL for rollout. This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2020-09-08

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/instructor/settings/common.py (line 74)

Desc: When True, the CSV file that contains a list of new accounts to create and register for a course in the membership tab of the instructor dashboard will accept the cohort name to assign the new user and the enrollment course mode.

Creation Date: 2021-10-26

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 1068)

Desc: Enables the memcache to use the blake2b hash algorithm instead of depreciated md4 for keys exceeding 250 characters


For consistency, keep the value in sync with the setting of the same name in the LMS and CMS.

Creation Date: 2024-04-02

Target Removal Date: 2024-12-09

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 803)

Desc: When set to True the bulk enrollment view is enabled and one can use it to enroll multiple users in a course using bulk enrollment API endpoint (/api/bulk_enroll/v1/bulk_enroll).

Creation Date: 2017-07-15

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 937)

Desc: Set to True to enable bulk user retirement through REST API. This is disabled by default.

Creation Date: 2021-03-11

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/instructor/settings/common.py (line 23)

Desc: Display the ‘Analytics’ tab in the instructor dashboard for CCX courses. Note: This has no effect unless ANALYTICS_DASHBOARD_URL is already set, because without that setting, the tab does not show up for any courses.

Creation Date: 2016-10-07

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 1018)

Desc: Whether to enforce ID Verification requirements for couse certificates generation

Creation Date: 2022-04-26

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]

FEATURES[‘ENABLE_CERTIFICATES_INSTRUCTOR_MANAGE] # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=annotation-missing-token#

Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/instructor/settings/common.py (line 95)

Desc: Allow course instructors to manage certificates from the instructor dashboard.

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 388)

Desc: Set to True to enable changing a user password through django admin. This is disabled by default because enabling allows a method to bypass password policy.

Creation Date: 2020-02-21

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 518)

Desc: Display the standard footer in the login page. This feature can be overridden by a site- specific configuration.

Creation Date: 2016-06-24

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 273)

Desc: When set to True, Content Libraries in Studio can be used as an LTI 1.3 tool by external LTI platforms.

Creation Date: 2021-08-17

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 386)

Desc: Enable the display of “cosmetic_display_price”, set in a course advanced settings. This cosmetic price is used when there is no registration price associated to the course.


The use case of this feature toggle is uncertain.

Creation Date: 2014-10-10

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 574)

Desc: When enabled, this adds a Search the course widget on the course outline and courseware pages for searching courseware data.


In order to get this working, your courses data should be indexed in Elasticsearch. You will see the search widget on the courseware page only if the DISABLE_COURSE_OUTLINE_PAGE_FLAG is set.

Creation Date: 2015-01-29

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 587)

Desc: When enabled, this adds a Search the course widget on the course outline and courseware pages for searching courseware data but for course staff users only.


In order to get this working, your courses data should be indexed in Elasticsearch. If ENABLE_COURSEWARE_SEARCH is enabled then the search widget will be visible to all learners and this flag’s value does not matter in that case. This flag is enabled in devstack by default.

Creation Date: 2019-12-06

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 1059)

Desc: When enabled, the courseware search feature will only be enabled for users in a verified enrollment track.

Creation Date: 2024-04-24

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 917)

Desc: Set to True to start sending signals for assessment level grade updates. Notably, the only handler of this signal at the time of this writing sends assessment updates to enterprise integrated channels.

Creation Date: 2020-12-09

Target Removal Date: 2021-02-01

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 649)

Desc: Add a course search widget to the LMS for searching courses. When this is enabled, the latest courses are no longer displayed on the LMS landing page. Also, an “Explore Courses” item is added to the navbar.


The COURSE_DISCOVERY_MEANINGS setting should be properly defined.

Creation Date: 2015-04-23

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 662)

Desc: If set to True, CCX ID will be included in the generated filename for CCX courses.


Turning this feature ON will affect all generated filenames which are related to CCX courses.

Creation Date: 2021-03-16

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 504)

Desc: When enabled, along with the ENABLE_MKTG_SITE feature toggle, users who attempt to access a course “about” page will be redirected to the course home url.

Creation Date: 2019-01-15

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 493)

Desc: When a user goes to the homepage (‘/’) the user sees the courses listed in the announcement dates order - this is default Open edX behavior. Set to True to change the course sorting behavior by their start dates, latest first.

Creation Date: 2015-03-27

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 3670)

Desc: When enabled, it is possible to define a credit eligibility criteria in the CMS. A “Credit Eligibility” section then appears for those courses in the LMS.

Creation Date: 2015-06-17

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 736)

Desc: Write Courseware Student Module History (CSMH) to the extended table: this logs all student activities to MySQL, in a separate database.


Even though most Open edX instances run with a separate CSMH database, it may not always be the case. When disabling this feature flag, remember to remove “lms.djangoapps.coursewarehistoryextended” from the INSTALLED_APPS and the “StudentModuleHistoryExtendedRouter” from the DATABASE_ROUTERS.

Creation Date: 2020-11-05

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 600)

Desc: When enabled, this adds a Search Your Courses widget on the dashboard page for searching courseware data.


In order to get this working, your courses data should be indexed in Elasticsearch.

Creation Date: 2015-01-29

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 166)

Desc: Set this to True if you want the discussion digest emails enabled automatically for new users. This will be set on all new account registrations.


It is not recommended to enable this feature if ENABLE_DISCUSSION_HOME_PANEL is not enabled, since subscribers who receive digests in that case will only be able to unsubscribe via links embedded in their emails, and they will have no way to resubscribe.

Creation Date: 2014-08-19

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 155)

Desc: Hides or displays a welcome panel under the Discussion tab, which includes a subscription on/off setting for discussion digest emails.


This should remain off in production until digest notifications are online.

Creation Date: 2013-07-30

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 131)

Desc: When True, it will enable the Discussion tab in courseware for all courses. Setting this to False will not contain inline discussion components and discussion tab in any courses.


If the discussion panel is present in the course and the value for this flag is False then, attempting to expand those components will cause errors. So, this should only be set to False with an LMS that is running courses that do not contain discussion components. For consistency in user-experience, keep the value in sync with the setting of the same name in the CMS.

Creation Date: 2012-08-14

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 192)

Desc: Set to False if you want to disable Django’s admin site.


It is not recommended to disable this feature as there are many settings available on

Creation Date: 2013-09-26

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 544)

Desc: This toggle enables the students to save and manage their annotations in the course using the notes service. The bulk of the actual work in storing the notes is done by a separate service (see the edx-notes-api repo).


Requires the edx-notes-api service properly running and to have configured the django settings EDXNOTES_INTERNAL_API and EDXNOTES_PUBLIC_API. If you update this setting, also update it in Studio.

Creation Date: 2015-01-04

Implementation: [‘SettingToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 68)

Desc: When enabled, users can access the new course authoring view for proctoring exams

Creation Date: 2020-07-23

Implementation: [‘SettingDictToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 7)

Desc: When enabled, a “Export to Git” menu item is added to the course studio for courses that have a valid “giturl” attribute. Exporting a course to git causes the course to be exported in the directory indicated by the GIT_REPO_EXPORT_DIR setting. Note that when this feature is disabled, courses can still be exported to git with the git_export management command.


To enable this feature, the GIT_REPO_EXPORT_DIR setting must be properly defined and point to an existing directory.

Creation Date: 2014-02-13

Implementation: [‘SettingDictToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/discussion/config/settings.py (line 6)

Desc: Settings for forums/discussions to on/off daily digest feature. Set this to True if you want to enable users to subscribe and unsubscribe for daily digest. This setting enables deprecation of daily digest.

Creation Date: 2020-03-09

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/instructor/settings/common.py (line 42)

Desc: Enable grade CSV downloads from the instructor dashboard. Grade calculation started from the instructor dashboard will write grades CSV files to the configured storage backend and give links for downloads.

Creation Date: 2016-07-06

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 575)

Desc: Enables the grading method feature in capa problems.

Creation Date: 2024-03-22

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 464)

Desc: When True, a help link is displayed on the main navbar. Set False to hide it.

Creation Date: 2021-03-05

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 555)

Desc: When enabled, exposes hide_from_toc xblock attribute so course authors can configure it as

Creation Date: 2024-02-29

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 565)

Desc: Enables the new home page course v2 API, which is a new version of the home page course API with pagination, filter and ordering capabilities.

Creation Date: 2024-03-14

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 816)

Desc: Whether HTML Block returns HTML content with the Course Blocks API when the API is called with student_view_data=html query parameter.


Because the Course Blocks API caches its data, the cache must be cleared (e.g. by re-publishing the course) for changes to this flag to take effect.

Creation Date: 2017-08-28

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 485)

Desc: Whether to replace ID verification course/certificate requirement

Creation Date: 2022-02-15

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/credentials/helpers.py (line 9)

Desc: Enable learner records for the whole platform. This setting may be overridden by site- and org-specific site configurations with the same name.


Enabling this feature requires that the definition of the ``CREDENTIALS_PUBLIC_SERVICE_URL`` setting.

Creation Date: 2020-10-01

Implementation: [‘SettingDictToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 440)

Desc: Set to True to enable the Library Authoring MFE



Creation Date: 2020-06-20

Target Removal Date: 2020-12-31

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 367)

Desc: Enable the login micro frontend.


The login MFE domain name should be listed in LOGIN_REDIRECT_WHITELIST.

Creation Date: 2018-05-07

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 497)

Desc: Enables the lti pii acknowledgement feature for a course

Creation Date: 2023-10

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 697)

Desc: When set to True, Open edX site can be used as an LTI Provider to other systems and applications.


After enabling this feature flag there are multiple steps invloved to configure edX as LTI provider. Full guide is available here: https://edx.readthedocs.io/projects/edx-installing-configuring-and-running/en/latest/configuration/lti/index.html

Creation Date: 2015-04-24

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 204)

Desc: None

Creation Date: 2013-04-13

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 421)

Desc: This feature will keep track of the number of failed login attempts on a given user’s email. If the number of consecutive failed login attempts - without a successful login at some point - reaches a configurable threshold (default 6), then the account will be locked for a configurable amount of seconds (30 minutes) which will prevent additional login attempts until this time period has passed. If a user successfully logs in, all the counter which tracks the number of failed attempts will be reset back to 0. If set to False then account locking will be disabled for failed login attempts.

Creation Date: 2014-01-30

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 469)

Desc: Toggle to enable alternate urls for marketing links.


When this is enabled, the MKTG_URLS setting should be defined. The use case of this feature toggle is uncertain.

Creation Date: 2014-03-24

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 981)

Desc: When true, replaces the bulk email tool found on the instructor dashboard with a link to the new communications MFE version instead. Stting the tool to false will leave the old bulk email tool experience in place.

Creation Date: 2022-03-21

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 221)

Desc: Enable this feature to allow this Open edX platform to be an OAuth2 authentication provider. This is necessary to enable some other features, such as the REST API for the mobile application.


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2014-09-09

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 398)

Desc: A “work-around” feature toggle meant to help in cases where some file uploads are not discoverable. If enabled, will iterate through all possible file key suffixes up to the max for displaying file metadata in staff assessments.


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2020-03-03

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/teams/toggles.py (line 12)

Desc: Set to True to enable team-based ORA submissions.


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date. This can be overridden by a course waffle flags or a waffle switch with identical name.

Creation Date: 2020-03-03

Implementation: [‘SettingDictToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 905)

Desc: Set to True to add deanonymized usernames to ORA data report.


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2020-06-11

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 412)

Desc: A “work-around” feature toggle meant to help in cases where some file uploads are not discoverable. If enabled, will pull file metadata from StudentModule.state for display in staff assessments.


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2020-03-03

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 828)

Desc: Whether to send an email for failed password reset attempts or not. This happens when a user asks for a password reset but they don’t have an account associated to their email. This is useful for notifying users that they don’t have an account associated with email addresses they believe they’ve registered with. This setting can be overridden by a site-specific configuration.

Creation Date: 2017-07-20

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 542)

Desc: Enables sending xblock lifecycle events over the event bus. Used to create the EVENT_BUS_PRODUCER_CONFIG setting


The default may be changed in a later release. See https://github.com/openedx/openedx-events/issues/265

Creation Date: 2023-10-10

Target Removal Date: 2023-10-12

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 688)

Desc: Enable to use special exams, aka timed and proctored exams.

Creation Date: 2015-09-04

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 279)

Desc: This provides a UI to show a student’s submission history in a problem by the Staff Debug tool. Set to False if you want to hide Submission History from the courseware page.

Creation Date: 2013-02-15

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 144)

Desc: Add PDF and HTML textbook tabs to the courseware.


For consistency in user-experience, keep the value in sync with the setting of the same name in the CMS.

Creation Date: 2014-03-27

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 458)

Desc: Turn on third-party auth. Disabled for now because full mplementations are not yet available. Remember to run migrations if you enable this; we don’t create tables by default. This feature can be enabled on a per-site basis. When enabling this feature, remember to define the allowed authentication backends with the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting.

Creation Date: 2014-09-15

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 181)

Desc: Set this to True to allow unicode characters in username. Enabling this will also automatically enable SOCIAL_AUTH_CLEAN_USERNAMES. When this is enabled, usernames will have to match the regular expression defined by USERNAME_REGEX_PARTIAL.

Creation Date: 2017-06-27

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 474)

Desc: Whether to use the reimagined certificates_display_behavior and certificate_available_date

Creation Date: 2021-07-26

Target Removal Date: 2021-10-01

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 232)

Desc: Enable an API endpoint, named “xblock_view”, to serve rendered XBlock views. This might be used by external applications. See for instance jquery-xblock (now unmaintained): https://github.com/openedx/jquery-xblock

Creation Date: 2014-03-14

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/toggles.py (line 7)

Desc: Enable entrance exams feature. When enabled, students see an exam xblock as the first unit of the course.

Creation Date: 2015-12-01

Implementation: [‘SettingDictToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 269)

Desc: When set, it hides the Courses list on the Learner Dashboard page if the learner has not yet activated the account and not enrolled in any courses.

Creation Date: 2018-05-18

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 615)

Desc: Toggle platform-wide course licensing. The course.license attribute is then used to append license information to the courseware.

Creation Date: 2015-05-14

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: common/djangoapps/util/milestones_helpers.py (line 25)

Desc: Enable the milestones application, which manages significant Course and/or Student events in the Open edX platform. (see https://github.com/openedx/edx-milestones) Note that this feature is required to enable course pre-requisites.

Creation Date: 2014-11-21

Implementation: [‘SettingDictToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 355)

Desc: Prevent auto auth from creating superusers or modifying existing users. Auto auth is a mechanism where superusers can simply modify attributes of other users by accessing the “/auto_auth url” with the right querystring parameters.

Creation Date: 2018-05-07

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 1038)

Desc: When True, the system will publish certificate lifecycle signals to the event bus. This toggle is used to create the EVENT_BUS_PRODUCER_CONFIG setting.


The default may be changed in a later release. See https://github.com/openedx/openedx-events/issues/265

Creation Date: 2023-10-10

Implementation: [‘SettingToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 710)

Desc: When set to True, language selector will be visible in the header.


You should set the languages in the DarkLangConfig table to get this working. If you have not set any languages in the DarkLangConfig table then the language selector will not be visible in the header.

Creation Date: 2017-05-25

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: xmodule/seq_block.py (line 63)

Desc: Set to True to show progress bar.

Creation Date: 2022-02-09

Implementation: [‘SettingDictToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 767)

Desc: Allow registration links. If this is disabled, users will no longer see buttons to the the signup page.

Creation Date: 2023-03-27

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 376)

Desc: Turn this on to skip sending emails for user validation. Beware, as this leaves the door open to potential spam abuse.


The login MFE domain name should be listed in LOGIN_REDIRECT_WHITELIST.

Creation Date: 2018-05-07

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/util/user_messages.py (line 187)

Desc: When enabled, show the contents of GLOBAL_NOTICE_MESSAGE as a message on every page. This is intended to be used as a way of communicating an upcoming or currently active maintenance window or to warn of known site issues. HTML is not supported for the message content, only plaintext. Message styling can be controlled with GLOBAL_NOTICE_TYPE, set to one of INFO, SUCCESS, WARNING, or ERROR (defaulting to INFO). Also see openedx.core.djangoapps.util.maintenance_banner.add_maintenance_banner for a variation that only shows a message on specific views.

Creation Date: 2021-09-08

Implementation: [‘SettingToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/video_config/models.py (line 16)

Desc: Add the “hls” profile to all displayed videos on the platform.

Creation Date: 2017-04-19

Implementation: [‘ConfigurationModel’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/lib/request_utils.py (line 155)

Desc: If True, the error will be logged with a message like: “Ignored error …”.

Creation Date: 2021-03-11

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/lib/request_utils.py (line 162)

Desc: If True, the stacktrace will be included with the logging message.


Requires ``LOG_ERROR`` to be set to True, otherwise this value will be ignored.

Creation Date: 2021-03-11

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/oauth_dispatch/jwt.py (line 279)

Desc: When True, add KID header to JWT using asymmetrical key.

Creation Date: 2024-03-20

Target Removal Date: 2024-04-20

Implementation: [‘SettingToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/oauth_dispatch/jwt.py (line 204)

Desc: When True, forces the LMS to only create JWTs signed with the asymmetric key. This is a temporary rollout toggle for DEPR of symmetric JWTs.

Creation Date: 2023-04-10

Target Removal Date: 2023-07-31

Implementation: [‘SettingToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/safe_sessions/middleware.py (line 101)

Desc: Turn this toggle on to provide additional debugging information in the case of a user verification error. It will track anytime the `user` attribute of a request object is changed and store this information on the request. This will also track the location where the change is coming from to quickly find issues. If user verification fails at response time, all of the information about these changes will be logged.


Adds some processing overhead to all requests to gather debug info. Will also double the logging for failed verification checks.

Creation Date: 2021-03-25

Implementation: [‘SettingToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/safe_sessions/middleware.py (line 116)

Desc: Turn this toggle on to log all request headers, for all requests, for all user ids involved in any user id change detected by safe sessions. The headers will provide additional debugging information. The headers will be logged for all requests up until LOG_REQUEST_USER_CHANGE_HEADERS_DURATION seconds after the time of the last mismatch. The header details will be encrypted, and only available with the private key.


Logging headers of subsequent requests following a mismatch will only work if LOG_REQUEST_USER_CHANGES is enabled and ENFORCE_SAFE_SESSIONS is disabled; otherwise, only headers of the inital mismatch will be logged. Also, SAFE_SESSIONS_DEBUG_PUBLIC_KEY must be set. See https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/blob/master/common/djangoapps/util/log_sensitive.py for instructions.

Creation Date: 2021-12-22

Implementation: [‘SettingToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 507)

Desc: If enabled, the Library Content Block is marked as complete when users view it. Otherwise (by default), all children of this block must be completed.


For consistency in user-experience, keep the value in sync with the setting of the same name in the LMS and CMS.

Creation Date: 2022-03-22

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: cms/envs/common.py (line 2815)

Desc: When enabled, creating a course run or content library with an “org slug” that does not map to an Organization in the database will trigger the creation of a new Organization, with its name and short_name set to said org slug. When disabled, creation of such content with an unknown org slug will instead result in a validation error. If you want the Organization table to be an authoritative information source in Studio, then disable this; however, if you want the table to just be a reflection of the orgs referenced in Studio content, then leave it enabled.

Creation Date: 2020-11-02

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 4858)

Desc: When enabled, RATELIMIT_RATE is applied. When disabled, RATELIMIT_RATE is not applied.

Creation Date: 2018-01-08

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 4206)

Desc: If enabled, invitation-only courses will appear in search results.

Creation Date: 2021-08-27

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 4213)

Desc: If enabled, courses with a catalog_visibility set to “none” will still appear in search results.

Creation Date: 2021-08-27

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/signals/handlers.py (line 53)

Desc: When True, sends to catalog-info-changed signal when course_published occurs. This is a temporary toggle to allow us to test the event bus integration; it should be removed and always-on once the integration is well-tested and the error cases are handled. (This is separate from whether the event bus itself is configured; if this toggle is on but the event bus is not configured, we should expect a warning at most.)

Creation Date: 2022-08-22

Target Removal Date: 2022-10-30

Implementation: [‘SettingToggle’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 5282)

Desc: Flag would be used to show account activation popup after the registration

Creation Date: 2021-06-10

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 5570)

Desc: Set to True to enable the feature to generate and send survey reports.

Creation Date: 2024-01-30

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 1318)

Desc: Redirect the user to the TPA logout URL if this flag is enabled, the TPA logout URL is configured, and the user logs in through TPA.


Enabling this toggle skips rendering logout.html, which is used to log the user out from the different IDAs. To ensure the user is logged out of all the IDAs be sure to redirect back to <LMS>/logout after logging out of the TPA.

Creation Date: 2023-05-07

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/video_pipeline/models.py (line 14)

Desc: Send videos to the Video Encode Manager (VEM) as part of the video pipeline.

Creation Date: 2020-06-04

Implementation: [‘ConfigurationModel’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/video_pipeline/models.py (line 55)

Desc: Allow video uploads for all courses of the platform. This enables the “Video Uploads” menu in the CMS.

Creation Date: 2017-11-10

Implementation: [‘ConfigurationModel’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 2103)

Desc: We recommend you leave this as ‘False’ for an Open edX installation to get the proper behavior for register, login and logout. For the original docs see: https://github.com/openedx/django-wiki/blob/edx_release/wiki/conf/settings.py

Creation Date: 2012-08-13

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 2113)

Desc: Enabling this allows access to anonymous users. For the original docs, see: https://github.com/openedx/django-wiki/blob/edx_release/wiki/conf/settings.py


Setting allow anonymous access to `True` may have styling issues.

Creation Date: 2012-08-21

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 1525)

Desc: This setting allows us to have a collaborative tool to contribute or modify content of course related materials.

Creation Date: 2012-07-13

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/envs/common.py (line 2129)

Desc: Enabling this will use the bootstrap select widget. For the original docs, see: https://github.com/openedx/django-wiki/blob/edx_release/wiki/conf/settings.py

Creation Date: 2012-08-22

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/user_api/accounts/toggles.py (line 29)

Desc: Supports staged rollout of a new micro-frontend-based implementation of the account page. Its action can be overridden using site’s ENABLE_ACCOUNT_MICROFRONTEND setting.



Creation Date: 2019-04-30

Target Removal Date: 2021-12-31

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/agreements/toggles.py (line 8)

Desc: Enables the lti pii acknowledgement feature for a course

Creation Date: 2023-10

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/content/block_structure/config/__init__.py (line 12)

Desc: When enabled, block structures are stored in a more permanent storage, like a database, which provides an additional backup for cache misses, instead having them regenerated. The regenration of block structures is a time consuming process. Therefore, enabling this switch is recommended for Production.


Depends on `BLOCK_STRUCTURES_SETTINGS[‘STORAGE_CLASS’]` and `BLOCK_STRUCTURES_SETTINGS[‘STORAGE_KWARGS’]`. This switch will likely be deprecated and removed. The annotation will be updated with the DEPR ticket once that process has started.

Creation Date: 2017-02-23

Target Removal Date: 2017-05-23

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/bulk_email/toggles.py (line 8)

Desc: If False, use the same BULK_EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL or DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL as the from_addr for all bulk email, to avoid issues with spam filtering

Creation Date: 2020-10-01

Implementation: [‘DjangoSetting’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/certificates/config.py (line 10)

Desc: This toggle will enable certificates to be automatically generated

Creation Date: 2017-09-14

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/commerce/waffle.py (line 9)

Desc: Allows to redirect checkout to Commerce Coordinator API

Creation Date: 2023-11-22

Target Removal Date: TBA

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/commerce/waffle.py (line 23)

Desc: Allows to redirect refunds to Commerce Coordinator API

Creation Date: 2024-03-26

Target Removal Date: TBA

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/content_tagging/toggles.py (line 10)

Desc: Setting this enables automatic tagging of content

Creation Date: 2023-08-30

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/content_tagging/toggles.py (line 22)

Desc: Setting this disables the tagging feature

Creation Date: 2024-04-30

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 39)

Desc: Enables bypassing olx validation failures during course import.

Creation Date: 2021-04-15

Target Removal Date: 2021-05-15

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 563)

Desc: This flag turns on the force_on_flexible_peer_openassessments setting for course reruns or new courses, where enabled.


Creation Date: 2023-06-27

Target Removal Date: 2024-01-27

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 201)

Desc: Enables the new (experimental and unsafe!) Studio Content REST API for course authors,

Creation Date: 2023-05-26

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 181)

Desc: This flag enables the use of unique anonymous_user_id during studio preview

Creation Date: 2022-05-04

Target Removal Date: 2022-05-30

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/config/waffle.py (line 29)

Desc: Toggles the new micro-frontend-based implementation of the library authoring experience.



Creation Date: 2020-08-03

Target Removal Date: 2020-12-31

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 544)

Desc: This flag mocks contentstore video uploads for local development, if you don’t have access to AWS


Creation Date: 2023-7-25

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 284)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio advanced settings page mfe


Creation Date: 2023-5-15

Target Removal Date: 2023-8-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 484)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio course certificates page mfe


Creation Date: 2024-1-18

Target Removal Date: 2023-4-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 424)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio course outline page mfe


Creation Date: 2023-5-15

Target Removal Date: 2023-8-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 464)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio course team page mfe


Creation Date: 2023-5-15

Target Removal Date: 2023-8-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 244)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio custom pages mfe


Creation Date: 2023-5-15

Target Removal Date: 2023-8-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 364)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio export page mfe


Creation Date: 2023-5-15

Target Removal Date: 2023-8-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 384)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio files and uploads page mfe


Creation Date: 2023-5-15

Target Removal Date: 2023-8-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 304)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio grading page mfe


Creation Date: 2023-5-15

Target Removal Date: 2023-8-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 524)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio course group configurations page mfe


Creation Date: 2024-1-18

Target Removal Date: 2023-4-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 344)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio import page mfe


Creation Date: 2023-5-15

Target Removal Date: 2023-8-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 264)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio schedule and details mfe


Creation Date: 2023-5-15

Target Removal Date: 2023-8-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 504)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio course textbooks page mfe


Creation Date: 2024-1-18

Target Removal Date: 2023-4-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 444)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio course outline page mfe


Creation Date: 2023-5-15

Target Removal Date: 2023-8-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 324)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio updates page mfe


Creation Date: 2023-5-15

Target Removal Date: 2023-8-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 404)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new video uploads page mfe


Creation Date: 2023-5-15

Target Removal Date: 2023-8-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 26)

Desc: Enables data new view for library on studio dashboard.

Creation Date: 2020-07-8

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/course_apps/toggles.py (line 9)

Desc: Uses exams IDA

Creation Date: 2022-07-27

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/course_api/blocks/toggles.py (line 10)

Desc: Waffle flag to hide access denial messages in the course blocks.


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2019-09-27

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/features/course_experience/__init__.py (line 65)

Desc: This course flag enables a course tool (which is a tool that is added on a course home page) that sends course assignment calendars to course students, whenever they click on the “Subscribe to calendar updates” button. The email contains an ics attachment that students can then use to sync with their own calendar apps.


For this toggle to have an effect, the RELATIVE_DATES_FLAG toggle must be enabled, too.

Creation Date: 2021-01-26

Target Removal Date: 2021-04-26

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/features/course_experience/waffle.py (line 11)

Desc: Used to determine whether to show custom HTML in the sidebar on the internal course about page.

Creation Date: 2018-01-26

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/features/course_experience/__init__.py (line 27)

Desc: Used to determine whether or not to use course goals for the particular course.


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2017-09-11

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_out’, ‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/features/course_experience/__init__.py (line 43)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable relative dates for course content. A ‘Dates’ tab will be visible in the course view showing key course dates. Was previously an ExperimentWaffleFlag with experiment_id=17.


To set a relative due date for self-paced courses, the weeks_to_complete field for a course run needs to be set. Currently it can be set through the publisher app.

Creation Date: 2020-02-10

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/features/course_experience/__init__.py (line 55)

Desc: Waffle flag to disable resetting deadlines by learners in self-paced courses. The ‘Dates’ tab will no longer show a banner about missed deadlines. The deadlines banner will also be hidden on unit pages.


For this toggle to have an effect, the RELATIVE_DATES_FLAG toggle must be enabled, too.

Creation Date: 2023-04-27

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/course_home_api/toggles.py (line 9)

Desc: This toggle controls the user interface behavior of the progress tab in the Learning Management System. When set to True, the progress tab utilizes the newly introduced Learning MFE graphs. When set to False (default), it utilizes existing grade graph from edx-platform.

Creation Date: 2021-03-12

Target Removal Date: 2024-01-01

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/course_home_api/toggles.py (line 24)

Desc: This toggle controls the user interface behavior of the discussion sidebar on course home page.

Creation Date: 2024-04-22

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’, ‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/course_api/__init__.py (line 18)

Desc: Waffle switch to enable the throttling of 10 requests/minute to the course API. For staff users, this limit is 20 requests/minute.

Creation Date: 2018-06-12

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘circuit_breaker’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/course_api/__init__.py (line 9)

Desc: Waffle switch to enable the throttling of 2 requests/minute to the course API. For staff users, this limit is 10 requests/minute.

Creation Date: 2018-06-12

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘circuit_breaker’]


Default: False

Source: common/djangoapps/course_modes/views.py (line 50)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new track selection template for testing purposes before full rollout


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2021-8-23

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: True

Source: lms/djangoapps/courseware/toggles.py (line 98)

Desc: Waffle flag that determines whether the auxiliary sidebar, such as discussion or notification, should automatically expand on each course unit page within the Learning MFE, without preserving the previous state of the sidebar.

Creation Date: 2024-04-28

Target Removal Date: 2024-07-28

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/courseware/toggles.py (line 71)

Desc: Disable caching of navigation sidebar blocks on Learning MFE. It can be used when caching the structure of large courses for a large number of users at the same time can overload the cache storage (memcache or redis).



Creation Date: 2024-03-21

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_out’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/courseware/toggles.py (line 159)

Desc: Enable courses to be filtered by user language by default.


The ENABLE_COURSE_DISCOVERY feature flag should be enabled.

Creation Date: 2023-11-02

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/courseware/toggles.py (line 86)

Desc: Enable navigation sidebar on Learning MFE

Creation Date: 2024-03-07

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_out’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/courseware/config.py (line 9)

Desc: enables new internal only financial assistance flow, when active.

Creation Date: 2022-03-25

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/courseware/toggles.py (line 28)

Desc: Waffle flag to display learner progress milestones in a course. Supports staged rollout to students for a new micro-frontend-based implementation of the courseware page.



Creation Date: 2020-10-07

Target Removal Date: none

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/courseware/toggles.py (line 42)

Desc: Waffle flag to display a celebration modal when learner completes a configurable streak Supports staged rollout to students for a new micro-frontend-based implementation of the courseware page.



Creation Date: 2021-02-16

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/courseware/toggles.py (line 113)

Desc: This flag enables an engagement discount incentive message.


This flag depends on the streak celebration feature being enabled

Creation Date: 2021-08-26

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_out’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/courseware/toggles.py (line 13)

Desc: Supports staged rollout of the new micro-frontend-based implementation of the course exit page.



Creation Date: 2020-10-02

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’, ‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/courseware/toggles.py (line 127)

Desc: Waffle flag that determines whether we speed up the render_xblock for browsers by removing unnecessary JavaScript and CSS. It is possible that this could introduce edge cases with content that relies on these assets, so being a CourseWaffleFlag will give us the flexibility to exempt courses from these optimizations.

Creation Date: 2021-02-09

Target Removal Date: 2021-05-01

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/features/discounts/applicability.py (line 31)

Desc: Toggle discounts always being disabled


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2019-4-16

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/discussion/toggles.py (line 7)

Desc: Waffle flag to use the new MFE experience for discussions in the course tab

Creation Date: 2021-11-05

Target Removal Date: 2022-12-05

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/discussions/config/waffle.py (line 36)

Desc: Waffle flag to toggle on the new structure for in context discussions

Creation Date: 2022-02-22

Target Removal Date: 2022-12-22

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/discussion/toggles.py (line 16)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable reported content notifications.

Creation Date: 18-Jan-2024

Target Removal Date: 18-Feb-2024

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/discussions/config/waffle.py (line 9)

Desc: Waffle flag to override visibility of discussion settings for legacy experience.


When the flag is ON, the discussion settings will be available on legacy experience.

Creation Date: 2021-06-15

Target Removal Date: 2021-12-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/discussions/config/waffle.py (line 23)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable new Pages and Resources experience for course.


When the flag is ON, the new experience for Pages and Resources will be enabled.

Creation Date: 2021-05-24

Target Removal Date: 2021-12-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/features/effort_estimation/toggles.py (line 10)

Desc: If effort estimations are confusing for a given course (e.g. the course team has added manual estimates), you can turn them off case by case here.

Creation Date: 2021-07-27

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_out’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/experiments/utils.py (line 44)

Desc: Toggle for adding info about each course to the dashboard metadata


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2019-3-28

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/experiments/utils.py (line 29)

Desc: Toggle for adding the current course’s program information to user metadata


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2019-2-25

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/experiments/utils.py (line 56)

Desc: Make sure upsell tracking JS works as expected.


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2020-7-7

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/experiments/views_custom.py (line 27)

Desc: Toggle mobile upsell enabled


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2019-09-05

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/export_course_metadata/toggles.py (line 7)

Desc: Export of course metadata (initially to s3 for use by braze)

Creation Date: 2021-03-01

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/grades/config/waffle.py (line 65)

Desc: When enabled, bulk features are visible for management in masters course. As far as we understand, this feature is now unused and obsolete.

Creation Date: 2019-08-20

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/grades/config/waffle.py (line 17)

Desc: When enabled, a change in grading policy will not trigger re-grading.

Creation Date: 2017-08-03

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/grades/config/waffle.py (line 40)

Desc: When enabled, grades can no longer be updated 30 days after a course has ended. Note that this is only valid for courses which actually have an end date.

Creation Date: 2018-10-01

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/grades/config/waffle.py (line 53)

Desc: When enabled, add GET/POST endpoints for updating gradebook entries in bulk. Also, a link to the writable gradebook is added to the instructor dashboard.


Enabling this requires that the `WRITABLE_GRADEBOOK_URL` setting be properly defined.

Creation Date: 2018-10-03

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/instructor/toggles.py (line 11)

Desc: instructor

Creation Date: 2020-07-8

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/instructor_task/config/waffle.py (line 27)

Desc: When generating grade reports, write chunks to disk to avoid out of memory errors.

Creation Date: 2022-12-01

Target Removal Date: 2022-01-10

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/learner_dashboard/config/waffle.py (line 41)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable new B2C Subscriptions Program data. This flag is used to decide whether we need to enable program subscription related properties in program listing and detail pages.


When the flag is ON, the new B2C Subscriptions Program data will be enabled in program listing and detail pages.

Creation Date: 2023-04-13

Target Removal Date: 2023-07-01

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/learner_dashboard/config/waffle.py (line 25)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable new Masters Program discussion experience for masters program. This flag is used to decide whether we need to render master program data in “tab” view or simple view. In the new tab view, we have tabs like “journey”, “live”, “discussions”


When the flag is ON, the new tabbed experience for Master Program Page will be enabled.

Creation Date: 2021-10-19

Target Removal Date: 2021-12-31

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/learner_dashboard/config/waffle.py (line 8)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable new Program discussion experience in tab view for course. This flag is used to decide whether we need to render program data in “tab” view or simple view. In the new tab view, we have tabs like “journey”, “live”, “discussions”


When the flag is ON, the new experience for Program discussions will be enabled.

Creation Date: 2021-08-25

Target Removal Date: 2021-12-31

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/learner_home/waffle.py (line 11)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable to redirect user to learner home mfe

Creation Date: 2022-10-11

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/features/learner_profile/toggles.py (line 12)

Desc: Supports staged rollout of a new micro-frontend-based implementation of the profile page.



Creation Date: 2019-02-19

Target Removal Date: 2020-12-31

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 143)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new core problem xblock editor


Creation Date: 2021-12-1

Target Removal Date: 2022-1-30

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 87)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new core text xblock editor


Creation Date: 2021-12-1

Target Removal Date: 2022-1-30

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 106)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new core video xblock editor


Creation Date: 2021-12-1

Target Removal Date: 2022-1-30

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 162)

Desc: This flag enables the creation of the new games block


Creation Date: 2023-07-26

Target Removal Date: 2023-09-31

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/toggles.py (line 225)

Desc: This flag enables the use of the new studio home page mfe


Creation Date: 2023-5-15

Target Removal Date: 2023-8-31

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/notifications/config/waffle.py (line 41)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable coursewide notifications

Creation Date: 2023-10-25

Target Removal Date: 2024-06-01

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/notifications/config/waffle.py (line 61)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable the Email Notifications feature


When the flag is ON, Email Notifications feature is enabled.

Creation Date: 2024-03-25

Target Removal Date: 2025-06-01

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/notifications/config/waffle.py (line 10)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable the Notifications feature


When the flag is ON, Notifications feature is enabled.

Creation Date: 2023-05-05

Target Removal Date: 2023-11-05

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/notifications/config/waffle.py (line 31)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable filters in notifications task

Creation Date: 2023-06-07

Target Removal Date: 2024-06-01

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/notifications/config/waffle.py (line 51)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable ORA staff notifications

Creation Date: 2024-04-04

Target Removal Date: 2024-06-04

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/notifications/config/waffle.py (line 21)

Desc: Waffle flag to show notifications tray

Creation Date: 2023-06-07

Target Removal Date: 2023-12-07

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/util/waffle.py (line 8)

Desc: Displays the maintenance warning, when active.

Creation Date: 2018-03-20

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/user_api/accounts/toggles.py (line 9)

Desc: Supports staged rollout of a new micro-frontend-based implementation of the order history page.



Creation Date: 2019-04-11

Target Removal Date: 2020-12-31

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: True

Source: lms/djangoapps/bulk_email/models.py (line 479)

Desc: If the flag is enabled, course-specific authorization is required, and the course_id is either not provided or not authorized, the feature is not available.

Creation Date: 2016-05-05

Implementation: [‘ConfigurationModel’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/schedules/config.py (line 13)

Desc: Enable debug level of logging for schedules messages.

Creation Date: 2017-09-17

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: common/djangoapps/student/admin.py (line 53)

Desc: This toggle will enable the rendering of the admin view of the CourseEnrollment model.


Enabling this toggle may cause performance problems. The CourseEnrollment admin view makes DB queries that could cause site outages for a large enough Open edX installation.

Creation Date: 2018-08-01

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: common/djangoapps/student/toggles.py (line 10)

Desc: Enable course enrollment email template

Creation Date: 2022-08-05

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: common/djangoapps/student/toggles.py (line 29)

Desc: Redirect to courseware after enrollment instead of dashboard.

Creation Date: 2023-02-06

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/config/waffle.py (line 44)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable custom pacing input for Personalized Learner Schedule (PLS).


Flag course_experience.relative_dates should also be active for relative dates functionalities to work.

Creation Date: 2021-07-12

Target Removal Date: 2021-12-31

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/config/waffle.py (line 58)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable course update notifications.

Creation Date: 14-Feb-2024

Target Removal Date: 14-Mar-2024

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/lib/teams_config.py (line 22)

Desc: This flag enables content groups for teams. Content groups are virtual groupings of learners who will see a particular set of course content. When this flag is enabled, course authors can create teams and assign content to each of them. Then, when a learner joins a team, they will see the content that is assigned to that team’s content group. This flag is only relevant for courses that have teams enabled.

Creation Date: 2024-04-01

Target Removal Date: Teak

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/teams/waffle.py (line 8)

Desc: Waffle flag to enable teams app for a course


When the flag is ON, the teams app will be visible in the new course authoring mfe.

Creation Date: 2021-10-07

Target Removal Date: 2021-11-01

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: common/djangoapps/third_party_auth/toggles.py (line 9)

Desc: Enable User ID matching while apple migration is in process



Creation Date: 2023-02-27

Target Removal Date: 2023-05-01

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/user_authn/config/waffle.py (line 10)

Desc: When enabled, users must be sign in using their allowed domain SSO account. This includes sign- ins to the Django admin dashboard at “/admin”.


Requires THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_ONLY_DOMAIN to also be set.

Creation Date: 2019-11-20

Target Removal Date: 2020-01-31

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/user_authn/config/waffle.py (line 24)

Desc: When enabled, user password’s vulnerability would be checked via pwned password database

Creation Date: 2021-09-22

Target Removal Date: 2021-12-31

Implementation: [‘WaffleSwitch’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/user_tours/toggles.py (line 7)

Desc: This flag disables user tours in LMS.

Creation Date: 2024-02-06

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘opt_out’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/instructor/toggles.py (line 21)

Desc: Supports staged rollout to improved is_small_course method.


Description mentions staged rollout, but the use case is not set as temporary. This may actually be a temporary toggle.

Creation Date: 2020-07-02

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/toggles.py (line 10)

Desc: Supports staged rollout to students for a new email templates implementation for ID verification.


This temporary feature toggle does not have a target removal date.

Creation Date: 2020-06-25

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/video_config/toggles.py (line 8)

Desc: Gates access to the public social sharing video feature.

Creation Date: 2023-02-02

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/video_config/toggles.py (line 19)

Desc: Gates access to the transcript feedback widget feature.

Creation Date: 2023-05-10

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/video_config/toggles.py (line 30)

Desc: Gates access to the Xpert Translations UI feature.

Creation Date: 2023-10-11

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘temporary’, ‘opt_in’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/video_pipeline/config/waffle.py (line 14)

Desc: Waffle flag telling whether youtube is deprecated. When enabled, videos are no longer uploaded to YouTube as part of the video pipeline.

Creation Date: 2018-08-03

Implementation: [‘CourseWaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]


Default: False

Source: openedx/core/djangoapps/video_pipeline/config/waffle.py (line 24)

Desc: When enabled, use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for authenticating to AWS. These short- lived access tokens are well suited for development (probably?). [At the time of annotation, the exact consequences of enabling this feature toggle are uncertain.]


Enabling this feature requires that the ROLE_ARN, MFA_SERIAL_NUMBER, MFA_TOKEN settings are properly defined.

Creation Date: 2020-03-12

Implementation: [‘WaffleFlag’]

Use Cases: [‘open_edx’]