Superset extra assets#
Developers can use the superset-extra-assets patch to add extra assets to Superset and those will be imported at initialization.
An example a tutor inline plugin using the patch is the following:
name: custom-inline-plugin
version: 0.1.0
superset-extra-assets: |
- _file_name: my-dashboard.yaml
dashboard_title: "..."
- _file_name: my-chart.yaml
slice_name: "..."
- _file_name: my-database.yaml
database_name: "..."
- _file_name: my-dataset.yaml
table_name: "..."
The patch is expected to be a list of assets with an extra attribute called _file_name, which uniquely identifies the asset entry. Each asset is expected to be a valid yaml object with the attributes that Superset expects for each asset type. See assets for examples of asset yaml declarations.
In most cases, however, you will want to develop Superset dashboards, charts, datasets, and sometimes even databases in the Superset UI and import them into a plugin that can be managed in source control. As of Aspects 1.0.3 use the same command to import assets into a Tutor plugin that we use to maintain Aspects itself.
You can use the Tutor Plugin Cookiecutter to create a skeleton plugin. Then you can create a patch file that will include all of your Superset assets into Aspects when the plugin is enabled.
The file name is the patch name <your_extension>/patches/superset-extra-assets
{% for file in "<your_extension>/superset-assets/"|walk_templates %}
_file_name: {{ file.split('/')[-1] }}
{% include file %}
{% endfor %}
This recursively includes each file in the superset-assets directory of your extension’s
tempates directory, when tutor config save
is run. For example
Now you can export your Superset dashboard, which will download to your local computer as a .zip file. As long as you are running Aspects 1.0.3 or newer you can use the following command to unzip the file to your plugin directory:
tutor aspects import_superset_zip <path to>/<your dashboard>.zip --base_assets_path <path to>/<your extension>/templates/<your extension>/superset-assets/
This command does several things to make import safer and easier, including checking for some
required security fields, safely naming files so that charts with duplicate names don’t
overwrite each other, and checking that certain fields use Tutor settings instead of hard
coded values. It also adds a special _file_name
key that tells Aspects what name to use
for the file when importing back to Superset.
When importing a dashboard you will need to manually add a _roles
key, which
sets the permissions for who can view the dashboard. In addition to the default roles
(student, instructor, operator, admin) you can also add custom roles <superset_roles>.
An example roles key looks like this:
- '{{ SUPERSET_ROLES_MAPPING.instructor }}'
When a Superset zip is exported it will contain any datasets and databases needed for all of the charts in that dashboard. This may include the default xapi and MySQL databases or Aspects datasets that you probably do not want to overwrite, and can include their passwords!
Use caution when importing datasets or databases your project and make sure that they are only ones you have created yourself unless you truly intend to overwrite defaults.
A simple example showing the final directory structure is available here.
Once you have your files imported to the plugin, make sure it is installed and enabled
in your Tutor environment, then you should just be able to do tutor config save
tutor <local|dev|k8s> import-assets
to update your Superset assets.