Django Plugins and Filters#

Django plugins is one of the most valuable extension mechanisms for the Open edX platform. In this section, we will guide you through the process of using filters inside your own plugin.

Use filters inside your plugin#

Imagine you have your own registration plugin and you want to add a filter to it. The first thing you need to do is adding openedx-filters to your requirements file. Then, you can import the registration filter and use it inside your registration flow as it’s used in the LMS registration flow. You can even add your own filters to your registration, after implementing their definitions in your plugin.

Configure filters#

Filters are configured in the OPEN_EDX_FILTERS_CONFIG dictionary which can be specified in your plugin’s settings file. The dictionary has the following structure:

        "fail_silently": <BOOLEAN>,
        "pipeline": [
            "<STEP NAME 0>",
            "<STEP NAME 1>",
            "<STEP NAME N-1>",

Create pipeline steps#

In your own plugin, you can create your own pipeline steps by inheriting from PipelineStep and implementing the run_filter method. You can find examples of pipeline steps in the openedx-filters-samples repository. See Quickstarts for more details.