platform_plugin_aspects package#



platform_plugin_aspects.apps module#

platform_plugin_aspects Django application initialization.

class platform_plugin_aspects.apps.PlatformPluginAspectsConfig(app_name, app_module)#

Bases: AppConfig

Configuration for the aspects Django application.

name = 'platform_plugin_aspects'#
plugin_app = {'settings_config': {'cms.djangoapp': {'common': {'relative_path': 'settings.common'}, 'production': {'relative_path': 'settings.production'}}, 'lms.djangoapp': {'common': {'relative_path': 'settings.common'}, 'production': {'relative_path': 'settings.production'}}}, 'signals_config': {'cms.djangoapp': {'receivers': [{'receiver_func_name': 'receive_course_publish', 'signal_path': 'xmodule.modulestore.django.COURSE_PUBLISHED'}]}}, 'url_config': {'cms.djangoapp': {'namespace': '', 'regex': '^aspects/', 'relative_path': 'urls'}, 'lms.djangoapp': {'namespace': '', 'regex': '^aspects/', 'relative_path': 'urls'}}}#

Load modules of Aspects.

platform_plugin_aspects.signals module#

Signal handler functions, mapped to specific signals in

platform_plugin_aspects.signals.on_externalid_saved(sender, instance, **kwargs)#

Receives post save signal and queues the dump job.

platform_plugin_aspects.signals.on_user_profile_updated(sender, instance, **kwargs)#

Receives post save signal and queues the dump job.

platform_plugin_aspects.signals.on_user_retirement(sender, user, **kwargs)#

Receives a user retirement signal and queues the retire_user job.

platform_plugin_aspects.signals.receive_course_publish(sender, course_key, **kwargs)#

Receives COURSE_PUBLISHED signal and queues the dump job.

platform_plugin_aspects.tasks module#

This file contains a management command for exporting course modulestore data to ClickHouse.

platform_plugin_aspects.urls module#

Urls for the Aspects plugin.

platform_plugin_aspects.utils module#

Utilities for the Aspects app.

platform_plugin_aspects.utils.generate_guest_token(user, course, dashboards, filters) str#

Generate and return a Superset guest token for the user.

Raise ImproperlyConfigured if the Superset API client request fails for any reason.

  • user – User object.

  • course – Course object, used to populate filters template strings.

  • dashboards – list of dashboard UUIDs to grant access to.

  • filters – list of string filters to apply.


Superset guest token and dashboard id. or None, exception if Superset is missconfigured or cannot generate guest token.

Return type:


platform_plugin_aspects.utils.generate_superset_context(context, dashboards, language=None) dict#

Update context with superset token and dashboard id.

  • context (dict) – the context for the instructor dashboard. It must include a course_id.

  • user (XBlockUser or User) – the current user.

  • superset_config (dict) – superset config.

  • dashboards (list) – list of superset dashboard uuid.

  • filters (list) – list of filters to apply to the dashboard.

  • language (str) – the language code of the end user.


Get the CCX courses for a given course.


Import and return DETACHED_XBLOCK_TYPES.

Placed here to avoid model import at startup and to facilitate mocking them in testing.

platform_plugin_aspects.utils.get_localized_uuid(base_uuid, language)#

Generate an idempotent uuid.


Load a model from a setting.


Import and return modulestore.

Placed here to avoid model import at startup and to facilitate mocking them in testing.

platform_plugin_aspects.utils.get_tags_for_block(usage_key) dict#

Return all the tags (and their parent tags) applied to the given block.

Returns a dict of [taxonomy]: [tag, tag, tag]

platform_plugin_aspects.views module#

Endpoints for the Aspects platform plugin.

class platform_plugin_aspects.views.Course(course_id, display_name)#

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

class platform_plugin_aspects.views.IsCourseStaffInstructor#

Bases: BasePermission

Permission class to use during tests.

Importing from edx-platform doesn’t work when running tests, so we declare our own permission class here.

has_object_permission(request, view, obj)#

Return False for security; mock this out during tests.

class platform_plugin_aspects.views.IsStaffOrReadOnly#

Bases: BasePermission

Permission class to use during tests.

Importing from edx-platform doesn’t work when running tests, so we declare our own permission class here.

has_object_permission(request, view, obj)#

Return False for security; mock this out during tests.

class platform_plugin_aspects.views.SupersetView(**kwargs)#

Bases: GenericAPIView

Superset-related endpoints provided by the aspects platform plugin.

authentication_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication'>,)#
get(request, *args, **kwargs)#

Return a guest token for accessing the Superset API.


Return a Course-like object for the requested course_id.

lookup_field = 'course_id'#
permission_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>, <rest_framework.permissions.OperandHolder object>)#

platform_plugin_aspects.waffle module#

Configuration for event sink clickhouse.

platform_plugin_aspects.xblock module#

XBlock to embed Superset dashboards in Open edX.

class platform_plugin_aspects.xblock.SupersetXBlock(runtime, field_data=None, scope_ids=<object object>, *args, **kwargs)#

Bases: StudioEditableXBlockMixin, XBlock

XBlock provides a way to embed dashboards from Superset in a course.

children: ReferenceList#

A field class for representing a string.

The value, as loaded or enforced, can either be None or a basestring instance.


Return an array of dashboards configured for this XBlock.


A field class for representing a string.

The value, as loaded or enforced, can either be None or a basestring instance.

editable_fields = ('display_name', 'dashboard_uuid', 'filters')#

A field class for representing a list.

The value, as loaded or enforced, can either be None or a list.

get_superset_guest_token(request_body, suffix='')#

Return a guest token for Superset.

has_children: bool = False#
render_template(template_path, context=None) str#

Render a template with the given context.

The template is translatedaccording to the user’s language.

  • template_path – The path to the template

  • context – The context to render in the template


The rendered template


Render the view shown to users of this XBlock.

user_is_student(user) bool#

Check if the user is a student.

static workbench_scenarios()#

Return a canned scenario for display in the workbench.

Module contents#

Aspects plugins for edx-platform.