Create a Course#

  1. Open Studio at the URL provided by your administrator.

  2. Click New Course. The Create a New Course screen opens.

  3. Enter information for the new course:

    • Course Name: The public display name of the course. You can override the name later in the Advanced Settings.

    • Organization: Your school or organization. This value becomes part of the course URL and cannot be changed. You can override how the organization is displayed to learners in Advanced Settings.

    • Course Number: The unique number that identifies your course. Note: This value becomes part of the course URL and cannot be changed. No spaces or special characters are allowed.

    • Course Run: The term or unique run of the course. This value part of your course URL, so no spaces or special characters are allowed and it cannot be changed.

  4. Click Create.

You are then taken to the empty Outline page in Studio.