Open edX Authorization Systems Explicit Roles Table#

edX Platform - Course Roles#

System Users

  • Roles are assigned by instructors in the LMS and by CMS admins in the CMS.

  • Roles are assigned to users (other than students) who need elevated access in the LMS or CMS, but roles may also apply to other systems.

  • Roles can be assigned in the django admin dashboard.

System Role Options

  • Example roles as named in db: instructor, staff, beta_tester, etc.

  • Example roles as named in Instructor Dashboard/Course Teams: Admin, Staff, Beta Tester, etc.

Example Use Cases

  • Course level access

  • Course Level Access, granted across an org of the system

  • Role/Permission set likely to be needed for many users

  • Roles need to be assignable within the UI

  • Roles need to be assignable by others with a specific role on the course

System Details

  • LMS
    • Instructor role can access and assign course roles

    • Roles can be assigned in the membership tab on the instructor dashboard page

    • Roles assigned in the LMS may exist in the CMS

  • CMS
    • Admin role can access and assign course roles

    • Roles can be assigned on course team page

    • Roles assigned in the CMS must also exist in the LMS

  • Connected to the django admin dashboard through file.

  • Roles assigned on a course by course basis, an org by org basis, or for the entire system.

Data Model

  • student_courseaccessrole database table in the edx-platform LMS database with course_id, id, org, role, user_id, _sdc_deleted_at fields

Note: If the course_id column is an empty string the role is for the org, if the org and course_id are empty strings the role is for the entire system.

comment_client - Discussion Roles#

System Users

  • Roles are assigned by instructors in the LMS.

  • Roles can be assigned to any user who needs elevated access to Discussions.

  • The role of administrator cannot be removed from the instructor.

System Role Options

  • Example roles as named in the db: Administrator, Moderator, etc.

  • Example roles as named in Instructor Dashboard: Discussion Admin, Discussion Moderator, etc.

Example Use Cases

  • Discussion Service

System Details

  • LMS
    • Instructor role can access and assign discussion roles

    • Roles can be assigned in the membership tab on the instructor dashboard page

    • Roles assigned in the LMS only apply to the LMS Discussions

    • Administrator role is given to the instructor by default and cannot be removed. Additional administrators can be added

Data Model

  • All tables are in the edx-platform LMS database
    • django_comment_client_role table with course_id, id, name fields

    • django_comment_client_role_users table with id, role_id, user_id, _sdc_deleted_at fields

    • django_comment_client_permission_roles table with id, role_id, permission_id fields

    • django_comment_client_permission table with name field

edx Platform - Django Admin Flow#

System Users

  • Roles are assigned by superusers who have django admin access.

  • Any user can be assigned a permission set or a group (that has a permission set) through this process.

System Role Options

Note: Student is not an explicit role at this time. It is an implicit role based on the existence of an enrollment.

Example Use Cases

  • Higher level system access

  • Specific or individualized access required

  • Higher level of control needed for assigning the roles

System Details

  • Set in the Django Admin Control Panel

  • users for the instance with superuser role (highest access level) have access to this functionality

  • poor UX, poor discoverability, overly complex and possibly more error prone

Note: Other services have their own Django Admin Panels that grant permissions.

Data Model

  • All tables are in the edx-platform LMS database
    • auth_permission table with codename, content_type_id, id_name fields

    • auth_group table with id, name fields

    • auth_group_permissions table with group_id, permission, permission_id, _sdc_deleted_at fields

    • auth_user table with id, email, username, and many other fields

    • auth_user_groups table with group_id, id, user_id, _sdc_deleted_at fields

    • auth_user_user_permissions table with id, permission_id, user_id fields


System Users

  • Each service determines who can assign roles.

  • Each service determines which users roles can be assigned to.

System Role Options

  • Each service that uses edX-rbac has its own list of explicit roles.

Example Use Cases

  • Role needed only for a specific service

  • Roles needed across contexts

  • Ability to assign roles needed within the code

  • Ability to manage role permissions within the code

System Details

  • Each service that follows the edX-rbac spec determines the scope of the role

  • Each service determines what other roles can explicitly grant access and where implicit access can come from (i.e. a system wide role may have implicit access)

  • Roles can be assigned for a feature or the service

  • The edX-rbac spec is designed to be usable by an instance, org, or service

  • Role assignments typically “stored” in the JWT cookie, but roles are stored in the db and therefore can be used from the db.

Data Model

  • Each service that uses edX-rbac has its own db tables.

content_libraries - v2 Library Roles#

System Users

  • Roles are assigned by the library creator in the CMS.

  • Roles can be assigned in the django admin dashboard.

System Role Options

  • Roles:
    • admin = Administer users and author content

    • author = Author content

    • read = Read-only

Example Use Cases

  • v2 Content Library Service

System Details

  • Set in the CMS

  • Roles can be assigned through the CMS UI

  • Roles can be assigned through the LMS django admin dashboard

  • Roles are assigned per library.

  • Roles can be assigned in the UI by an admin for the library or a user with the global_staff role.

  • Connected to the django admin dashboard through file.

Data Model

  • content_libraries_contentlibrarypermission table in the edx-platform LMS database with access_level, id, library_id, user_id, _sdc_deleted_at fields