Role Description and Permissions#
As a course delivery team member, you may want to monitor the learners’ performance to determine how to help them and evaluate the general course output, and Aspects can help you with that.
What can you do in Aspects?#
With this role, the course team members have access to the Course Dashboard, the At-Risk Learner Dashboard, and the Individual Learner Dashboard, depending on the type of dashboard created by the platform administrator. You can generally navigate through the dashboards from the Instructor tab in the LMS and access Superset, the open-source data exploration and visualization tool used for Aspects, to modify the reports using the filters available. You can also download information as a PDF or image to use or communicate it as you want.
What you cannot do in Aspects?#
The principal functions that are not available for the users with course delivery team roles are: - Create new dashboards. - Permit new course delivery team members. However, course admins can add course staff to their courses, who will then have access to Aspects. - Modify the general settings of the tool.