10. Localization of user-facing content#






  • A “locale” is a specific language and region.

    E.g., Spanish is spoken in several locales: es-ar (Argentina), es-mx (Mexico), es-es (Spain), etc.

  • Internationalization (i18n) is the process of developing products that can be adapted to different languages and cultures.

  • Localization (l10n) is the process of adapting a product or content for a specific locale.

Open edX is used worldwide. So for Aspects to be a fully-supported part of the Open edX ecosystem, it must at least support translations for user-facing content, page layout for left-to-right and right-to-left languages. It may also support localized representations of dates and calendars.

Superset provides Aspect’s user interface, and it supports a subset of locales for translating/displaying the menus and pages that the application serves. However, Superset does not translate its application or asset data, i.e. the dashboards and charts shown to users. Superset also has some open issues related to localization (e.g. superset#25258).

Aspects must maintain and display translated versions of its supported Superset assets.


  • Aspects build process will support extracting user-facing content from Superset assets for translation, the production of translated dashboards and charts, and synchronization of the latest translations to the project.

  • Normal Aspects users (non-superusers) will only see the dashboards and charts that match their preferred language as selected in the LMS.

  • Open edX superusers using Aspects will see all translations of all Superset assets, so that they are able

  • All Superset users may choose their preferred locale for Superset menus and pages from the “Languages” menu after logging in; this will not be chosen automatically from their Open edX preferred language.

  • Aspects will contribute to Superset’s i18n and l10n efforts where possible.


  1. Aspects will configure Superset to run with a set of locales that best matches those locales Open edX supports.

  2. Aspects will create translated copies of all user-facing Superset assets (dashboards and charts).

  3. Access to these translated dashboards will be gated by role-based access controls (RBAC) using locale-specific roles. Users are added to the locale-specific role that best matches their preferred language in Open edX, and so are granted access to the appropriate translated dashboards and charts.

  4. Like other Open edX projects, translations for the Aspects project will be maintained in Transifex.

  5. Translations will be automatically synchronized using the Transifex Github App as per OEP-58.

Rejected Alternatives#

Contribute asset translations to Superset

The Superset community proposed superset#13442 to allow users to provide translations for chart titles, axis labels, and metric names.

This ticket has since been closed due to inactivity, but because it puts the onus on translations on the Superset users, it’s not a solution that would satisfy the Open edX community, which expects translations to be shipped with the applications that use them.


  • OEP-58 Translations management