Superset Overview#

Apache Superset is an open-source platform that is the primary data visualization and exploration tool for Aspects. But here, more than explaining Superset’s benefits, let us discuss how to navigate it.

If you want to learn more about Superset, please visit the Concept section, or if you want to learn more about why we chose this tool for the project, please visit the Decision section in the Technical Documentation.

The Superset Home Page provides an overview of the dashboards available and quick access to different sections for managing your data visualizations.


On the navigation bar at the top of the home page, you will find a series of buttons to access the tool’s different options and configurations. Depending on your permissions, you might or might not have certain buttons or more options in certain menus.

The buttons are:

  • Dashboards: This button leads you to a section where you can create and manage dashboards.

  • Charts: This button leads you to a section where you can create and manage charts.

  • Datasets: This button leads you to a section where you can manage datasets for your visualizations.

  • SQL: This button leads to a SQL editor where you can write and execute SQL queries.

  • +: This button allows you to create new dashboards or charts and add new SQL queries and data sets.

  • Settings: This button leads to a section where you can manage user settings and configure Superset.

Below the navigation bar, you will find different sections where the dashboards and charts are organized to improve your platform navigation experience. Those sections are:

  • Recents: Here, you will find the latest dashboards and charts viewed or edited by you.

  • Dashboards: In this section, you will find all the dashboards published by your organization.

  • Charts: Here, you can access all the charts created by your organization for each course, like Video Engagement or Problem Attempts.

  • Saved Queries: This section will contain all the SQL queries you create, add, or edit on your organization’s Aspects.


This information is also relevant to users with administrator roles.