
xAPI, also known as the Experience API or Tin Can API, is a specification for capturing and tracking learning experiences in a wide range of contexts. It is an e-learning standard that allows organizations to gather data about learner activities and interactions across various platforms and devices. xAPI provides a flexible and comprehensive framework for collecting, storing, and analyzing learning data, enabling a deeper understanding of learners’ experiences and performance.

Together, these components form the foundation of the xAPI ecosystem, enabling the tracking and analysis of learner activities and experiences beyond traditional learning management systems. The flexibility and interoperability of xAPI make it an ideal solution for organizations looking to gain deeper insights into their learners’ performance and behavior.

xAPI Schema#

While the components of an xAPI Statement are well specified, the actual detailed format or “schema” used for each type of xAPI event is up to us to decide, as users of xAPI.

See xAPI Transforms for information on how the schemas are built.

xAPI Statement#

A statement, also referred to as an “xAPI statement” or “verb-object statement,” is the core building block of xAPI. It captures a specific learning activity or experience in a structured format. A statement consists of three essential elements: the actor who performed the action, the verb that describes the action, and the object representing the target or learning experience.

An xAPI statement can be expressed briefly as:

Actor Verbed an Object (within Context).


Each xAPI event emitted by Open edX will contain a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) which is generated from the event actor, timestamp, verb, and child event ID (if present). This ID is used to de-duplicate events, for example when re-processing old tracking logs.


In xAPI, an actor represents an entity that interacts with the learning system. It can be a learner, instructor, system administrator, or any other agent involved in the learning process.

By default, actors in Aspects are uniquely identified using a platform-generated external_id which helps keep event data anonymous. Aspects can link this external_id back to a username or email address where individual identities are needed. See Changing the xAPI actor identifier for more options.


Verbs in xAPI are URIs paired with short, translated, human-friendly labels. Verbs should be in past tense, idenoting that the action has already been performed.

There are many verbs used in Aspects events, for example: completed, progressed, registered, unregistered, passed, failed, voted, asked, reported, attempted, completed, earned, etc. Each verb has its own specific purpose and target Object.


xAPI objects consist of a unique identifier and a “definition” stanza, which describes the object of the actor’s verb.

Most objects in Aspects xAPI events are of type “Course”, “Discussion”, or “Activity”. For example, learners may enrol or unenrol from a Course, post in a Discussion, or complete an assignment Activity.


xAPI events generally occur within some learning context, and so this stanza provides a place to record important meta information about the event. Context stanzas may contain “extension” fields which allow arbitrary data to be attached to an event.

Aspects uses context to provide enclosing course data where the object is an activity or discussion, or “context activities” like a problem block which wraps several questions. Aspects also uses an “extension” to store the version of the xAPI transforms that were applied to the event.

Learning Record Store (LRS)#

The Learning Record Store serves as the repository for storing and retrieving xAPI statements. It is a database or storage system that receives and securely stores the statements generated by learning activities. The LRS enables the collection and organization of learning data from various sources, allowing for robust analysis and reporting of learner experiences. An LRS may also be used to recommend content to learners based on previous performance or interest.
