Backfill old or missing data#

If you are bootstrapping a new Open edX platform with Aspects or experiencing service downtime in Ralph or Vector, you may need to backfill the old data. This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to perform the backfill process.

Backfill xAPI data from tracking logs#

Event routing backends provide a management command to backfill old or missing data. The command is called transform_tracking_logs, learn more about it in the Event Routing Backends documentation.

tutor-contrib-aspects provides a wrapper around this command that is compatible with Ralph and Vector. Run it with:

tutor [dev|local|k8s] do transform-tracking-logs --options "..."

The --options argument is passed directly to the management command. For example,

tutor k8s do transform-tracking-logs --options "--source_provider S3 --source_config '{\"key\": \"aws-key\", \"secret\": \"aws-secret\", \"region\": \"bucket-region\" ,\"container\": \"bucket-name\", \"prefix\":\"any-prefix\"}' --destination_provider LRS --transformer_type xapi"

Which will run the command:

./ --transformer_type xapi --source_provider S3 --source_config '{"key": "aws-key", "secret": "aws-secret", "region": "bucket-region" ,"container": "bucket-name", "prefix":"any-prefix"}' --destination_provider LRS --transformer_type xapi

This will create a k8s job that will send all the tracking logs from S3 bucket to the configured LRS. Vector will read the logs from the k8s job and send them to Clickhouse.

Backfill course blocks#

Aspects keeps a synchronized copy of some course metadata in Clickhouse. This copy is used to generate reports and to provide a fast way to query the courses. The copy is updated every time a course is published. However, if a course is published before Aspects is installed, the course will not be copied to Clickhouse.

Aspects provides a wrapper around the command dump_data_to_clickhouse that will backfill any missing courses. To learn more about the command, read the Event Sink Clickhouse documentation.

To backfill the courses, run:

# If you already have some courses in your clickhouse sink, its better to
# drop --options "--force" as it will create duplicates of the pre-existing courses.
tutor [dev|local|k8s] do dump_data_to_clickhouse --service cms --object course_overviews --options "--force"