1. Open Analytics#
Analytics for Open edX has been neglected since Insights and the related repositories stopped being actively supported around 2018. The goal at the time was to eventually replace Insights, but that project was never picked up. While the community has done some recent work circa 2022 to update Insights, it was never a widely adopted solution for the wider community. Interviews with the community have revealed a few reasons why:
It is complicated, comprising 6 Github repositories, many pieces of infrastructure, and requiring knowledge of several domain specific technologies to configure (Pandas, Hive, Sqoop, Hadoop, Luigi, etc.)
It is expensive to run, and is in many ways specific to Amazon Web Services technologies
Turnaround time for data refreshes are on the order of a day or more in most cases
Documentation is out of date, further complicating any new adoption or alternative deployments
Discrepancies between Insights data calculations and data displayed in Studio have caused confusion
Architectural decisions made post-Insights and new technologies have changed the analytics landscape, unlocking the ability to deliver analytical and operational data and display it in near-real time on commodity hardware with much simpler configuration and deployment. Additionally we have a wide variety of use cases in the Open edX community with differing requirements for privacy, scalability, budget, and expertise.
We will create the Aspects Analytics system (Aspects) that combines existing open-source projects into a preconfigured bundle that can be easily deployed using Tutor.
These projects will include:
A Learning Record Store (LRS)
A service to transform tracking log events into an open standard
An analytic database
A data visualization and dashboard tool with a data export API
Code and configuration to tie these tools together, as well as rich reports that work against the default configuration
The guiding principals for technology selection are:
Based on open standards and open source
Hosting service agnostic
Inexpensive to run
Able to support near-real-time data where possible
Require little specialized knowledge to set up and maintain
Be extensible for a variety of common use cases not covered by the default configuration
This system will:
Transform existing Open edX tracking log events into an open standard format
Store them using a standards-compliant learning record store
Present a user interface of data visualizations secured via single-sign-on against the LMS
Allow download of report data for those with permissions to view it
Provide a secure API for integrations with other tools or data viewing methods
Endeavor to be privacy preserving, by de-identifying learner data by default and focusing on respecting learner privacy and data ownership when storing identity data
Small and medium Open edX installs will have easy access to timely and relevant reports about the usage of their site, the performance of their classes, and the status of their students.
Use cases for advanced learner interventions and data-guided learning pathways will be unblocked by access to near-real-time data provided in an industry standard format.
This reference implementation will replace Insights as the recommended analytics platform for Open edX.
Rejected Alternatives#
Resurrect support of Insights#
Given the low adoption rate of Insights and its extremely high development, deployment, and maintenance costs, the value of this work seemed low.
Rewrite Insights#
A complete rewrite of the Insights project could have met many of our goals here, however our focus is on education. The cost and maintenance burden of creating a bespoke analytics pipeline and visualization solution is an unnecessary distraction when excellent open source tools exist that are much more feature rich, configurable, and better maintained than we could manage given our competing priorities.
Use an existing community system#
In the absence of an officially supported analytics system, several organizations have created their own solutions. At the time of investigation none supported all of the features we are hoping to make available through this system.