Open edX Quince Release#

These are the release notes for the Quince release, the 17th community release of the Open edX Platform, spanning changes from April 11 2023 to October 10 2023. You can also review details about earlier releases or learn more about the Open edX Platform.

Breaking Changes#

Learner Experiences#

  • A new Sidebar enhances the current discussion provider by enabling learners to interact with forums using a collapsible sidebar that accompanies course units. This replaces the use of discussion xblocks.

New course runs and re-runs created after you upgrade to quince will automatically use this new provider. However, existing course runs will not be affected.

To learn more about this upgrade, visit the wiki page.

Instructor Experiences#

Administrators & Operators#

New Learner Home Page#

No longer experimental, the new Learner Home has many of the same features as the old learner dashboard, with some extended functionality and performance enhancements.

  • The Learner Home is now built with Paragon, the Open edX design pattern library. It is accessible and easy to style with brand colors.

  • Course cards show the course thumbnail, information about the course, and the ability to upgrade to a paid track or view/begin a course (if applicable). Further course actions (e.g. unenroll, email opt-out settings, and social media share) have been moved to the menu/triple dot icon on the course card.

  • Clicking the “Refine” button opens options to filter by course status or sort either by most recent enrollment (default) or title.

The Refine pop-up with Course State and Sort options
  • All of a user’s courses are fetched on page load. To make the page manageable, we paginate that list, showing 25 courses at a time. To view other courses, a user should page through their list of courses using the pagination controls at the bottom of the course list.

Next, previous and page number buttons appear below the list of courses

New Settings:

New Waffle Flags:

Removed Waffle Flags:





  • block_structure.invalidate_cache_on_publish

  • contentstore.enable_copy_paste_feature

  • learner_home_mfe.enable_learner_home_amplitude_recommendations

  • registration.enable_failure_logging

Deprecations & Removals#

Developer Experience#

Known Issues#