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High Level Contribution Process#

digraph G { "Pull Request Opened" [shape=box]; "Needs Product Review" [shape=box, style=rounded]; "Does this Contribution\n change user experience?" [shape=diamond]; "Is this contribution \nrelated to groomed work\n from the public road map?" [shape=diamond]; "Ready for Engineering \nReview" [shape=box, style=rounded]; "Pull Request Opened" -> "Does this Contribution\n change user experience?"; "Does this Contribution\n change user experience?" -> "Is this contribution \nrelated to groomed work\n from the public road map?" [label="Yes"]; "Is this contribution \nrelated to groomed work\n from the public road map?" -> "Needs Product Review" [label="No"]; "Does this Contribution\n change user experience?" -> "Ready for Engineering \nReview" [label="No"]; "Is this contribution \nrelated to groomed work\n from the public road map?" -> "Ready for Engineering \nReview" [label="Yes"] }

digraph G { rankdir="LR"; "PR Opened" [shape=none]; "Ready for\n Review" [shape=none]; "Scheduled for\n Review" [shape=none]; "In Review" [shape=none]; "Merged" [shape=none]; open_day [label="Day 1", shape=none]; ready_for_review_day [label="Day 2", shape=none]; scheduled_for_review_day [label="Day 3", shape=none]; in_review_day [label="Day 4", shape=none]; merge_day [label="Day 5", shape=none]; { rank=same; open_day, "PR Opened" }; { rank=same; ready_for_review_day, "Ready for\n Review" }; { rank=same; scheduled_for_review_day, "Scheduled for\n Review" }; { rank=same; in_review_day, "In Review" }; { rank=same; merge_day, "Merged" }; open_day -> ready_for_review_day -> scheduled_for_review_day -> in_review_day -> merge_day [style="invis"]; "PR Opened" -> "Ready for\n Review" -> "Scheduled for\n Review" -> "In Review" -> "Merged"; open_day -> "PR Opened" [arrowhead=none] ready_for_review_day -> "Ready for\n Review" [arrowhead=none]; scheduled_for_review_day -> "Scheduled for\n Review" [arrowhead=none]; in_review_day -> "In Review" [arrowhead=none]; merge_day -> "Merged" [arrowhead=none]; }