Copy and Paste Course Units#

There are two options for copying and pasting a unit:

  1. From the Course Outline page

  2. From the Unit Page

From the Course Outline page#

  1. Choose a unit that you would like to copy.

  2. In the “actions” hamburger in the upper right corner of the unit, click “Copy to Clipboard”.

    The "Copy to Clipboard" button is shown from the hamburger menu on a Unit
  3. A notification will appear in the bottom right-hand side of the screen indicating the copy is complete. It should only take a few seconds, depending on the size of the unit.

  4. Navigate to the subsection (in the course outline) where you’d like to paste the unit. This may be in the same course or a different course.

  5. Click “Paste Unit”. The copied unit will appear as the next unit within the subsection. (Note: The “Paste Unit” button will not be visible unless you have copied a unit per step 2.)

    The paste button appears in the outline page within a subsection, below the "New Unit" button

From the Unit Page#

  1. Choose the unit that you would like to copy from the top horizontal navigation bar.

    In Studio, the unit editing page is shown, which displays all the units in a subsection in a horizontal navigation bar.
  2. Click the “Copy Unit” button from the right-hand sidebar widget.

    The "Copy Unit" button appears in the right sidebar, below the "Publish" button
  3. A notification will appear in the bottom right-hand side of the screen indicating the copy is complete. It should only take a few seconds, depending on the size of the unit.

  4. Navigate to the subsection where you’d like to paste the unit. This may be in the same course or a different course.

  5. In the horizontal navigation bar, click on the dropdown arrow next to the “+New Unit” button.

  6. Click “Paste as new unit”.

    The "Paste as new unit" button appears in the "+New Unit" dropdown menu
  7. Click “Paste Unit”. The copied unit will appear as the newest unit within the subsection.

    The "Paste Unit" button in the horizontal nav bar is shown
  8. If you’d like to reorder the newly pasted unit in the subsection, navigate back to the Course Outline page and move the unit.

    Units can be reordered within a subsection by visiting the Course Outline page and dragging the unit to its desired location


Authors can also paste Units copied from the Unit Page into the Course Outline, and vice versa.