Adding a Text Input Problem#
You add text input problems in Studio by selecting the Problem component. In the problem editor, select the Text Input option. Fill in the fields on this screen to create your problem.

Creating a text input problem is as simple as:
Editing the Display Name. Click the pen symbol to edit.
Filling in the Question field.
Filling in the Explanation field. When this is shown to learners is based on the selection in the Show answer panel on the right.
Filling in the Answer fields. Select the correct answer(s) by ticking off the checkbox(es). Additional answers can be added by clicking the Add answer button. Answers can be deleted by clicking the trash can icon. Feedback can be provided for each answer. More information on feedback can be found in the following section.
Selecting and filling in any desired settings on the right.
If you have any questions on the specifics of using the simple editor, please check out The Simple Editor and Defining Settings for Problem Components.
Adding Feedback#
For an overview of feedback in problems, see Adding Feedback and Hints to a Problem. In text input problems, you can provide feedback for the correct answer or for a specified incorrect answer. Use feedback on incorrect answers as an opportunity to address common learner misconceptions. Feedback for text input questions should also provide guidance to the learner on how to arrive at the correct answer.
If you define multiple correct responses for the question, you can define feedback for each response.
You can add answer-specific feedback for each answer in a text input problem. You can access the feedback panel shown below by clicking the button to the right of the answer text.

Simply enter your feedback message in this text field. It will display when the learner submits this answer.
Adding Hints#
You can add hints to a text input problem using the simple editor or the advanced editor. For an overview of hints in problems, see Adding Feedback and Hints to a Problem.
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