Hooks Extension Framework#

What is the Hooks Extension Framework?#

Based on the Options for Extending the edX Platform, this framework aims to extend the Open edX platform in a maintainable way without modifying its core. The main goal is to leverage the existing extension capabilities provided by the Open edX Django plugins architecture, allowing developers to implement new features while reducing the need for core modifications and minimizing maintenance efforts.

Hooks are places in the Open edX platform where externally defined functions can take place. These functions may alter what the user sees or experiences on the platform, while in other cases, they are informative only. All hooks are designed to be used along with Open edX Django plugins.

Hooks can be of two types: events and filters. Events are signals sent in specific places whose receivers can extend functionality, while filters are functions that can modify the application’s behavior. To allow extension developers to use these definitions in their implementations, both kinds of hooks are defined in lightweight external libraries:

The framework’s main goal is to empower developers to change the platform’s functionality as needed while allowing them to migrate to newer Open edX releases with little to no development effort. The framework is designed with stability in mind, meaning it is versioned and backward compatible as much as possible.

A longer description of the framework and its history can be found in OEP-50: Hooks extension framework.

Why Adopt the Hooks Extension Framework?#

Stable and Maintainable Extensions#

The Hooks Extension Framework allows developers to extend the platform’s functionality in a stable, maintainable, and decoupled way ensuring easier upgrades and long-term stability by removing the need to modify the core in a significant way.

Contained Solution Implementation#

By avoiding core modifications, the framework promotes self-contained solutions, eliminating the need for custom code to coexist with core logic which lowers maintenance costs for extension developers. As most extensions can now be implementing using the framework, forks are closer to the core and easier to manage.

Leveraging the Open edX Plugin Extension Mechanism#

The framework allows developers to implement custom business logic and integrations directly in plugins. This keeps core modifications minimal, focusing maintenance and development efforts on plugins, where solutions can be built and maintained independently of the core platform.


Filters and events provide developers with a standard for adding new features to the platform through extension mechanisms. Events primarily handle communication or synchronization between different parts of the application, while filters modify application behavior. If a problem can be addressed through one of these two options, the implementation becomes pretty straightforward.

Community Compatibility#

The framework allows for shorter and more agile contribution cycles. By adding standardized extension points, contributors avoid creating customer-specific logic, making development more community-friendly.

Backward Compatibility#

Hooks are designed to be backwards compatible, guaranteeing stability across releases and making it easier to upgrade without breaking existing functionality. This ensures that extensions built on the framework will continue to work as expected across different Open edX versions. See the Architectural Decision Records (ADRs) about versioning for Open edX Events and Filters for more information:

Open edX Events and Filters#

Open edX Events#

Events are Open edX-specific Django signals sent in specific places on the Open edX platform. Developers write code that listens to these signals and performs additional processing based on the event data.

To start using Open edX Events in your project, see the Open edX Events documentation.

Open edX Filters#

Filters are functions that can modify the application’s behavior by altering input data or halting execution based on specific conditions. They allow developers to implement application flow control based on their business logic or requirements without directly modifying the application code.

To start using Open edX Filters in your project, see the Open edX Filters documentation.

Differences Between Events and Filters#

Here are some key differences between Open edX Events and Filters:




Notify when an action occurs in a specific part of the application.

Alter the application flow control.


Used to extend functionality via signal receivers when an event is triggered.

Used to intercept and modify the data used within a component without directly modifying the application itself.


Defined using the OpenEdxPublicSignal class, which provides a structured way to define the data and metadata associated with the event.

Defined using the OpenEdxPublicFilter class, which provides a way to define the filter function and the parameters it should receive.


Implemented using Django signals, which allow developers to send and receive notifications that an action happened within a Django application. Events use attrs classes with simple data types.

Implemented using an accumulative pipeline mechanism which takes a set of arguments and returns a modified set to the caller or raises exceptions during processing. The input arguments are in-memory platform objects that can be modified.

Use cases

Send an email notification when a user enrolls in a course.

Prevent the enrollment of non-authorized users.

In this diagram you can see the main differences in functionality between Open edX Events and Filters:

Open edX Events and Filters Side by Side

How to Know When to Use an Event or a Filter?#

When to Use an Open edX Event?#

A developer might use an Open edX Event in order to perform the following actions. Note that this is not an exhaustive list.

  • Trigger custom logic or processing in response to specific actions within the platform, e.g., updating a search index after a course block is modified.

  • Communicate, synchronize, or coordinate with other components or services based on specific events or actions, e.g., send certificate data from LMS to credentials service to keep models up to date.

  • Integrate with external systems or services based on specific events or actions, e.g., send user data to third-party services upon registration for marketing purposes.

Fore more detailed use cases, please visit Real-Life Use Cases for Open edX Events.

In summary, events can be used to integrate application components with each other or with external services, allowing them to communicate, synchronize, and perform additional actions when specific triggers occur.

You can review the Open edX Events documentation for more information on Using Open edX Events in your project. This documentation includes a list of Events and much more.

When to Use an Open edX Filter?#

A developer might use an Open edX Filter in order to perform the following actions. Note that this is not an exhaustive list.

  • Enrich the data or parameters used to a specific component, e.g., fetch reusable LTI configurations from external plugins.

  • Enforce specific constraints or business rules of a specific component, e.g., don’t allow registration for non-authorized email domains.

  • Implement additional features or behavior in a specific component, e.g., add registration extra fields to the user registration form.

Fore more detailed use cases, please visit Real-Life Use Cases for Open edX Filters.

In summary, filters can be used when implementing application flow control that modifies the application’s behavior, navigation, or user interaction flow during runtime.

You can review the Open edX Filters documentation for more information on How to use Open edX Filters in your project. This documentation includes a list of Filters and much more.

Still Deciding Which to Use?#

If you’re still unsure whether to use an Open edX Event or Filter, ask yourself the following questions:

Does it change the default platform behavior?

  • Yes: For example, the course enrollment process now depends on a third-party subscription service. This modifies the default enrollment process.

  • No: For example, when generating certificates, you may need to create credentials in an external service, but the default process remains unchanged.

Filters are useful when you need an immediate response that directly modifies the caller process and impacts the rest of the flow. In contrast, events are more decoupled from the caller process. They do not return a response, leaving the caller process unchanged.

If the answer yes, should it be a filter? Does the application behavior benefit from being altered?

  • If so, a filter may suit your needs.

  • If not, maybe because your use case should be the default offering of the platform, contribute changes if they benefit the community, but consider submitting a Product Proposal to begin discussing changes to the default offering.

  • If the latter is not the case, then implementing your feature in a plugin using filters is the way to go.

  • Next, review existing Real-Life Use Cases for Open edX Filters to find similar implementations.

If the answer is no, should it be an event?

  • Consider if your use case involves communication, synchronization, or integration between services or components.

  • Next, review existing Real-Life Use Cases for Open edX Events to find similar implementations.

We encourage you to review the list of use cases for events and filters to draw inspiration from real-life scenarios and see if your use case aligns with any of them. Also, maybe your feature can be implementing using the framework but there’s not an available event or filter for it yet. In that case, consider proposing a new event or filter to the community!