Numerical Input Problem#
The numerical input problem type is a simple problem type that can be added to any course. At a minimum, numerical input problems include a question or prompt and a response field for a numeric answer. By adding hints, feedback, or both, you can give learners guidance and help when they work on a problem.
For more information about the simple problem types, see Working with Problem Components.
In numerical input problems, learners enter numbers or specific and relatively simple mathematical expressions to answer a question. The LMS automatically converts the answer that learners enter into a symbolic expression that appears below the response field.
Responses for numerical input problems can include integers, fractions, and constants such as pi and g. Responses can also include text representing common functions, such as square root (sqrt) and log base 2 (log2), as well as trigonometric functions and their inverses, such as sine (sin) and arcsine (arcsin). For these functions, learners enter text that is converted into mathematical symbols. The following example shows a response entered by a learner and the numerical expression that results.
For more information about how learners enter expressions, see Math Formatting in the Open edX Learner’s Guide.
Some of the options for numerical input problems include the following.
You can specify a correct answer explicitly or use a Python script.
You can specify a margin of error, or tolerance, for the answers to numerical input problems so that learners’ responses do not have to be exact.
You can make a calculator tool available to your learners on every unit page. For more information, see Calculator Tool.
Example Numerical Input Problem#
In the LMS, learners enter a value into a response field to complete a numerical input problem. An example of a completed numerical input problem follows.
See also
Editing Numerical Input Problems using the Advanced Editor (how to)
Adding Feedback (how-to)
Adding a Numerical Input Problem (how to)
Numerical Input Problem OLX Reference (reference)
Awarding Partial (how to)