Resources for Course Teams#
Course teams include faculty, instructional designers, course staff, discussion moderators, and others who contribute to the creation and delivery of courses on or edX Edge.
The edX Course Creator Series#
The courses in the edX Course Creator Series provide foundational knowledge about using the edX platform to deliver educational experiences. These courses are available on
edX101: Overview of Creating a Course#
The edX101 course is designed to provide a high-level overview of the course creation and delivery process using Studio and the edX LMS. It also highlights the extensive capabilities of the edX platform.
StudioX: Creating a Course with edX Studio#
After you complete edX101, “StudioX” provides more detail about using Studio to create a course, add different types of content, and configure your course to provide an optimal online learning experience.
BlendedX: Blended Learning with edX#
In “BlendedX” you explore ways to blend educational technology with traditional classroom learning to improve educational outcomes.
VideoX: Creating Video for the edX Platform#
“VideoX” presents strategies for creating videos for course content and course marketing. The course provides step-by-step instructions for every stage of video creation, and includes links to exemplary sample videos created by edX partner institutions.
Documentation for course teams is available from the web page.
Building and Running an Open edX Course is a comprehensive guide with concepts and procedures to help you build a course in Studio and then use the Learning Management System (LMS) to run a course.
You can access this guide by selecting Help in Studio or from the instructor dashboard in the LMS.
These guides open in your web browser. The left side of each page includes a Search docs field and links to the contents of that guide. To open or save a PDF version, select v: latest at the lower right of the page, then select PDF.
If you use the Safari browser, be aware that it does not support the search feature for the HTML versions of the edX guides. This is a known limitation.
To receive and share information by email, course team members can:
Subscribe to announcements and other new topics in the edX Partner Portal or the Open edX Portal. For information about how to subscribe, see the Release Announcements through the Open edX Portal
Join the openedx-studio Google group to ask questions and participate in discussions with peers at other edX partner organizations and edX staffers.
Wikis and Web Sites#
The edX product team maintains public product roadmaps on the Open edX Portal and the edX Partner Portal.
The edX Partner Support site for edX partners hosts discussions that are monitored by edX staff.